Saturday, July 12, 2014

According to the Association VIA IURIS the Chief Justice an important representative of the judicia Home News World Regions Economy Culture Sport Football World Cup 2014 Weather history Opinions on Most news reports Magazines Car Commercial rogar Housing Cocktail Summer Travel Money Job VAT Animals Female Health Journal spoon Cakes Recipes Ideas Advice Cars Real Estate Jobs Phone Computer Camera Demands More Awesome ads Birdz Blog Flog Animals Car Buying Discount Flowers Pivnička - Wine ePravda Subscriptions to newspapers Relax Let's read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes rogar Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts Contests Skull Sudoku rogar TV program
Monday the boss criminal cases at the Supreme Court, where after years of returns. His departure from the top positions in the judiciary may not be the same.
During his era judges faced disciplinary sanctions. As one of the first it felt a Deputy High Court and then President of the Association of Judges of Slovakia, Juraj Majchrák already late. , In 2001, after nearly 20 years in the position of a criminal judge, moved into the correct rogar college, where he gradually found themselves more men and women in gowns. To travel abroad and have not been in their words overwhelmed by the huge amount of work. Put themselves outside the electronic registry.
"With rogar colleagues, we agreed that the urgent things we will handle all but the President rogar suddenly without any explanation held that it is only fit for our two Boards. It is also a bounty of work concentrated solely on us that it is likely that we will not prosecute, we created delays and justify it to our disciplinary prosecution, "saying at the time Judge Elena Berthotyova that a few days ago became a member of the Judicial Council . Moreover, if the deal got 30 things and stood up for her the Judicial Council of the Supreme Court. rogar Circumvent electronic filing police prosecute.
To judge Miroslava Gavalec Harabin gave rise to disciplinary action for being Gavalec yet in 2009 complained to the wrong office working conditions rogar of judges of the Supreme Court. Gavalec at that time was the spokesperson initiative Judges' rogar For Open Judiciary ", which was often critical of Harabin. First Harabin rogar requested that Gavalec translated to a lower court, then he wanted to suspend the judge. Gavalec complained about the small office that summer turned into saunas, as well as the burden on the judges. Harabin up in May this year, after his unsuccessful candidacy for President of the Supreme Court, withdrew the proposal.
Even more judges will remember well the last few years. rogar Have deductions from salary, rogar they suspended from duties for them which had a significant financial impact. Against judges Paluda Peter, Anne Benes, Darin Kuchtová, Jane Dubovcová, Miroslav Gavalec Joseph Kander, George Babjak Died Milan ruzicka or George Majchrák and many others rogar were conducted disciplinary proceedings. Each of these judges somehow got into an argument with Stephen Harabin or testified against him. These procedures also attracted the attention of foreign diplomats. Sees its work successfully
Chief Justice admits that his action in the judiciary had the effect that the judiciary has long maintained the lowest credibility. "Those who do not want to do, those who have other interests and talk such foolishness," he said at the last meeting of the Judicial Council, which was led as its president. Also welcomes its functioning not only at the head of the justice department, but also the Supreme Court. As explained, that when in 2009 stood on his forehead, trial lasted four years, now it's just a year. "That right rejects me and recommended rogar me left, it is a honor for me," assessed rogar before rogar May elections of the President of the criticism of politicians as evidence of their judicial independence.
According to the Association VIA IURIS the Chief Justice an important representative of the judiciary, which may increase its credibility. Therefore, it is essential that it become a man who, in addition to knowledge of the law will be characterized by the nature and moral integrity. rogar Nor did it Harabin the chief positions of the Supreme Court is always the same. In 2000, during the Dzurinda government, faced dismissal in parliament, on the initiative of the Minister of Justice John Čarnogurský. The then Chief Justice elected MPs, following the constitutional changes in 2002, it elected Judicial Council. By Čarnogurský Harabin was professional and moral authority. Parliament but was not appealed, also thanks to the votes of the Members of the SDL. Action for action
In 2000, first sued the state in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and demanded compensation of 22 million dollars, but failed. Strasbourg turned on even after she former Justice Minister Lucia Zitnanska rogar impetus for his disciplinary rogar proceedings. The court in this case has not ruled. Even when they are required Harabin high compensation. In Strasbourg, challenged the decision of the Constitutional Court of the financial penalty in the form of reductions in the amount of 70 percent of salary for one year. This punishment may receive

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