Friday, October 4, 2013

Since the establishment of the University of Dodoma bogkasser (UDOM) in 2007 there has been signific

Since the establishment of the University of Dodoma bogkasser (UDOM) in 2007 there has been significant development of various infrastructure especially buildings and roads. College kimepanuka bogkasser at a reasonable rate and this is a commendable step and loves any progress. Concurrently with the construction of infrastructure due to increased enrollment diener of students of all backgrounds servants have been employed bogkasser since the inception of the college. Constitution diener of the College (University Charter) has employees in two main categories. One is the group with academic staff who among other things, their biggest job is teaching, research and consultancy, and the second is a group of employees of the administrative side. However, the college grows very rapidly diener and thus require
a number of staff iendanayo bogkasser and the rapid growth of the college. Despite the best efforts of recruiting staff to meet the needs of the college, there has been various problems faced by workers at the University of Dodoma. Serious problems rests in the case of payments should range includes salaries as stipulated in various government documents. Meeting 4 of UDOMASA has identified these problems are as follows: diener First, academics of the University of Dodoma have not received salaries since the announcement of the new 20-30 percent increase in July 2010 by the Registrar bogkasser of the Treasury Circular No. 4, 2010 issued August 3, 2010. Evidence from the Treasury has shown that the new salary was paid in November 2010 for all public universities including the University of Dodoma. The conference resolved that the funds for salaries which management has withheld UDOM through new salaries diener paid to Treasury bogkasser characters once during academic conference goes. Second, the Treasury has been paying diener out high salaries at the local level but reduces UDOM management for various excuses. For example, an employee with Check No. 11818320 (PUTS 15), the Treasury in November and December ilimlipa 2,269,890 / =, College kilimlipa 1,605,310 / = which speaks of fraud. Payroll Treasury diener shows that money is coming from a different store and money payable to Academic here Dom. Professionals are concerned that this tendency to reduce wages has been going on for some time now. Thus, the meeting diener resolved that all the money that the management of the University diener of Dodoma has been ikikata paid. Third, bogkasser from the Treasury upunguzwaji basic salary has gripped our sharing in social security funds (NSSF, LAPF, PPF, GEPF etc.), as well as our contributions diener labor unions such as RAAWU. This situation also affects wages upunguzwaji sharing in employer social security funds as required by applicable law. Model employee who paid 853,300 / = instead of 1,248,070 / = as in payroll treasure contribute LAPF amount of 42,665 / = (5 percent) per month instead of 62,403.3 / = per month. Also the employer's contribution is declining diener situation that will affect pensions. The conference resolved that whatever amount
kilipunjwa in social security funds and unions to be paid immediately while academics continue diener their meeting. Fourth, the University of Dodoma has been telling her salary slips instead of giving salary slips zinazotka Treasury. In addition the management of the University of Dodoma has alleged that the Treasury does not provide salary slips. However, studies conducted by UDOMASA leadership has shown that salary bogkasser slips have been taken from the treasury and officials Dom. UDOM management claims that the treasure does not provide salary slips suggest a method used exploit the salaries diener of employees from the Treasury. diener The conference resolved that each employee giving salary slips from the Treasury to begin its offer. Fifth, financial survival at the start of employment with the transportation of freight time comes to start work we paid. Management of the University of Dodoma has been reported in 2008, saying that more than 95 percent of the employees of this institution did not deserve to earn money to survive. Recent conversations have led to the management of the University of Dodoma agree that subsistence funds is worthy of any employee starts work, although they have said clearly that these should not be able to pay for now on the pretext that it is a lot of money. The conference resolved bogkasser that the University of Dodoma deserve Give these to all employees. diener This practice of charging money for subsistence should be done immediately when academics continue their meeting. Sixth, diener in session on December 29, 2010 between the management of the University of Dodoma and reportedly UDOMASA bogkasser leaders and college management that 409 employees are not registered bogkasser in the Treasury payroll. Moreover the management diener has failed to provide basic reason for this problem despite having these employees have worked for several months now. Director diener of the University Rasilimaili people gave reasons that can not be tru

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