Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Modular Living gadget gekikame works of five students FMU. (Photo: dock. UPH) JAKARTA - Typically,

Modular Living gadget gekikame works of five students FMU. (Photo: dock. UPH) JAKARTA - Typically, the needs of the furniture in the room consisted of a bed, desk, wardrobe, and bookshelves. But in the hands of five young designers from the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH), the furniture needs can be incorporated into a unique cube. Christina Indraningsih, Marina Tjandra, Jeanne Junita Earth, Johanna Sudarma Angela, and Stephanie, create a unique cube facilities that accommodate a bed, desk, bookshelf, to the dinner table. Unique Cube Modular Living gadget gekikame called it was the attention of the visitors to the exhibition Desain.ID 2012 some time ago. Christina explained, their idea was originally a small concept that can meet the basic needs of someone such as eating, resting, and working. "We then began to spark the idea of" gadgets "that can meet those needs," said Christina, as reported by the FMU page on Wednesday (09/19/2012). This co-ed class of 2010 explains, the material they use for Modular Living Gadget environmentally friendly gekikame and can be recycled, such as wood. All five elements gekikame also prefer wood instead of steel. For lighting, Christina gekikame team uses LEDs to save energy, and because its use is more simple. As a result, they can be completed within a month prototype Modular Living Gadgets and attracted the attention of many people. "Many gekikame visitors ask whether the results of our work is for sale. There also are interested in using the gadget to the needs of living in the dorm," Christina give smth. Extra. Supervisor gekikame fifth, Elaine tells Steffany, Modular Living gadget can be redesigned according to the needs of each individual. "Although it has become gekikame an entity (compact), we can add a variety of features to meet the basic needs of a person. Designed so it can still be creative, depending on the functions you need," says Elaine. Marina confessed, though fun working on Gadget Modular Living together, initially they will feel their work. However, motivation and support from the supervisor whipped gekikame their passion to complete the work. "When our work is completed, it turns out it affects many people. Initially we thought this design would only affect a group of people such as designers," said Marina. Anggita other teams also claimed to get a lot of knowledge and new experiences. Especially, the experience of working together gekikame in a team where they share ideas. According to Elaine, by doing this project, the students can immediately practice the knowledge they gained in the classroom. Interestingly, they also act directly as a designer in this project, so the work feels more real. Thus, from the beginning of project, the college emphasizes that this project is something that is serious and not playing games. In fact, the students involved will be referred to as a designer, whether the project succeeded or failed. "This project worked as real as possible, because we want to tell the people that are making these gadgets is the original designer who brings something new," he added. (RFA) Source
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