Tales and characters from the animal world did not notify never on PayPal Ibn al in his masterpiece "Panchatantra" popularized long ago the news is very strange, and the reporting of the "normal and the apparent" news from inconceivable sliding closet doors that was never in the book, it tells about a black fond of smoking shisha , and fondling Onboppea soft rubber toys flames Jmradtha increasingly red with all the "prose", and puffs the smoke that fills the thick clouds Areen fruit flavors. Perhaps this is the first time discovered, in amazement, that the black turn "hit" shisha "beat", sliding closet doors and fond of rituals of ancient coming from viavia Gulf and the Levant, having on sale earlier this tale have a famous was "hits Rouge" in a bar known center sliding closet doors of Casablanca and insists the sharing of wine glasses Freedman pressing, with visitors sliding closet doors to the middle of the night, and insists on crowding customers first, and abuse of the last generation of drunks without boredom or fatigue. Although the "scourge Assaabh" and "Whiskey Taigdr" says folk artist, and your parents persevered over several months with the promise of shouting at each mark the dawn of a new day in deference to the laws of nature. It was not Moazpth stems from his commitment to the time and attachment to do his duty, but were associated mainly Btzjah cock hours of the night in the sugar orgy until dawn, as they lead a shout or Sihtin with filament light first, and go to bed making a night during sliding closet doors the day and from day to night. Perhaps such stories and the characters did not notify the strange animal never on PayPal Ibn al, and it was only by Zain interesting tales dubbed "Panchatantra". As Othva stories of the monkey and the donkey and the jackal and the wedding, he had to tell us the story of "Rooster Alntah" and "Black Almsheehh." Valdakh not "hit the bowl", sliding closet doors but also taught sports competitions they Tntah sometimes instead sliding closet doors of "Negev", and everyone still remembers the story of the rooster carded called Zinedine Zidane "nevi in which the egg," and butted Italian player, "Materazzi" and murdered the man lay on the grass, and were the hottest the blood of a rooster Algerian descent causes a loss of the World Cup of France in the final in 2006. The story of the "Black Almsheehh", they are in fact the story of some of the football players, especially in the national team so that a group of them shown on the video site "YouTube" on the eve of the famous smoked shisha friendly match Baldaar French. In fact, the guilt is not our fault we Bsaiti understanding or with sports culture surface, but blame all the blame lies with colleagues in sports journalism who do not write about teams football only Bolkabha exotic baffled reader and Avhmt Ibn al, such as leopards Ghana, and squirrels Benin coach, and elephants Ivory Deoffoar, Eagles and Nigeria, and the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon, but we Osodna Those other tale entitled shisha and defeat. Jamal Alkhnoc
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