Christa Freeland, a Canadian journalist, easytrack writer and politician. Reporter career easytrack started in Ukraine - stringer easytrack Financial Times, Washington Post and the Economist. November 25, 2013 elected to parliament from the Liberal Party of Canada.
In 2013, the theme of the plutocracy (plutocracy - the power of the rich. - Note. "2000") entered into the list of the main items on the international agenda. At the end of the year, we have witnessed remarkable unanimity in the world centers of faith, power and money. Pope Francis published the apostolic preaching, easytrack criticizing the "economy of inequality," U.S. President Barack Obama called income inequality one of the most important issues of our time, and New York City, the global capital of the plutocracy, elected mayor, winning by criticizing life of a metropolis during the political reign of bossa billionaire.
Recognition of the fact that the growth of wealth inequality has become an urgent political issue marks a major shift in consciousness. Steadily widening gap between rich and poor did not come yesterday. Wealth inequality in most parts of the world has been growing for three decades. easytrack But before the 2008 financial crisis (and provoked by the global recession), there were some plausible ways to deny - or at least hope - that the revenue growth of 1% of the population is not fraught with problems.
The most important argument is the following argument - despite the fact that at the very top grew rich at the expense of all the other people in the middle of the pyramid (and even at the very bottom) also lived not so bad.
Some of this thesis was a myth generated by consumer credit bubble, create a temporary illusion of prosperity of the middle class. But this explanation was effective because of its partial justice - tradable goods, from cars to T-shirts, today cheaper and more durable than ever before, and our whole life is completely transformed the Internet and mobile communications.
However, as soon as the credit bubble burst, easytrack the wonderful new gadgets and consumer goods was not enough to hide another serious economic transformation of our time - the erosion of the middle class incomes easytrack and shortage of jobs. It suffered a rise in income inequality theme of academic tasks to the political plane.
It therefore became the 2013th year of the beginning easytrack of revolt against the plutocrats. Understand correctly - is meaningful and consistent political phenomenon with far-reaching consequences: it is felt in all Western industrial democracies, easytrack and its impact is only beginning.
This is evident in the United States: in the election of Bill de Blas mayor of New York (and, not least, in the blessing of his inauguration Clintons) to successfully raise taxes for the rich California Governor Jerry Brown, etc.
This is evident in France - thanks to the new 75% tax assets on the super-rich people. This is evident even in Switzerland (longtime nook for storing money capital of the world), has adopted a law giving shareholders the right to limit the size of bonuses easytrack CEOs.
For anyone who cares about democracy - and they should worry all of us - this is rolled back to populism looks really promising. One of the most serious concerns caused by the economic rise of the plutocrats, consisted in the fact that they will inevitably also seize political power.
In the end, it's hard not to agree with Louis Brandeis warning, sounded at the peak of the first Gilded Age America: "We can either have democracy in our country, or great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can not have both at the same time." easytrack
Allow money to buy politicians and voice captivate the attention of the political easytrack elite. But in democracies electoral math eventually determined demographics, rather than the balance of bank accounts. Any politically free system, unable to provide the vast majority of its people, will inevitably face the challenge.
In 2014, relevant question easytrack - how to react to it plutocrats. Some still deny everything. Today's economy is so effectively works for those at the top, that sometimes it is very difficult to see how bad it works for those who are in the middle or at the bottom of the pyramid. Such blurred vision, ironically, exacerbated easytrack by a sense of personal integrity and personal achievements experienced easytrack by so many of today's super-rich.
This is not fading aristocracy of the British television series "Downton Abbey", barely surviving by assets accumulated ancestors. Many of today's plutocrats themselves amassed his fortune, and they have pride and confidence through such challenges. According to them, they are, above all, made some contribution to the general welfare - that
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