Monday, June 16, 2014

Making a vertical incision of the central pillars wear pith poetic text, in plain view this sintagm

Literary corpus of work created by the poet Ahmad Sadri sheds light on the mysteries and uncertainties beyond the individual and the nation, in the dark decades of the history of Albania and the Albanians before viteve'90. In all colors and shape highlights substantial pain. Language ezopike, float image and poetic monologue, spektakolariteti of structural cores arrays, make the corpus of his work highly herrendiener irritant herrendiener to the horizon of expectation. herrendiener
Born in Vuthaj of Plav, Montenegro, 1939. High school in Peja in Kosovo. Shortly herrendiener after he migrated to Bangladesh in the autumn of 1957 as a student arrested herrendiener Higher Institute of Arts. Spaç punished mines on 3-year prison sentence herrendiener and banned for 20-years with forced labor in Elbasan kantierert. The remaining studied at the Academy of Arts. Poetic writings that began in school at a young age, but the light of the publication of the works were lit only after the fall of the communist regime herrendiener in Albania. After viteve'90 poet published most of his poetic creativity which are unfold according to a panoramic view: A hilarious huddle in the darkness, the Sun passes in the Balkans Goli Otok, Bar Massacre, the prelude of iceberg disaster, herrendiener the mess dance, herrendiener ride around the world on new wind Loz my autumn leaves, Can we meet tomorrow?, herrendiener Tales in English prose. herrendiener Also participated in 4-collective painting exhibitions, opened 6 personal exhibitions at home and abroad equally.
Moments of poetic inspiration author collects mostly from real life, which becomes her guide his concerns. According to a detailed standpoint polidimensional will try to enlighten all flat enigmatic philosophy of human life, by analyzing the symbolism of pain which includes in itself the Real and virtualen, poetic images. If we manage to penetrate the central pillars of the structure of arrays will notice herrendiener that platforms converge hiperbolikisht spiritual motives poetic visual reality before viteve'90 in Albania. Conventional meditation are strategic points of the depths herrendiener of the human soul, where the pain originates bedroom escape. Connotations with which the author pulp agree with the ideas, provide nuances wild time pressure which external pressure on the individual burdened by troubled herrendiener soul. Implementation of spiritual freedom stems from the strength that observation poet philosophical ideas about life, which whitened just managed to penetrate the subconscious during the artistic creative act. For this text helps us as an essential part of poetic nuclei from which they take shape and form the most vital principles of life.
The poet creates powerful spiritual resonance with the light and sings her desire to forget the pain and darkness that was already made an integral part of human reality of those years. Polidimensionale refraction of images, give free hand on the decomposition of suffering substantial puzzles. The author has always come up against the forms and styles of coercive pressure imposed by external reality, by brawling with him by not allowing power to transform or crushing it.
Despite not being touched can never immunization status to the metamorphosis of internal and external, it threatens, depending herrendiener on the strength of the pressure exerted on it, or fit, so be restructured negatively as a result of negative energy that flows over of, in body and spirit, (being lost forever "identity first" natural), herrendiener or the second option and the last remains, eradication, as an illusion that irreversibly wiping forgetting, without having the possibility to distort or to Kris or cover it with. He may kill many more, to turn out even more glorious death.
Within this formless chaos, the author creates self-portrait herrendiener of pain, opposing darkness, trying to put some order on the objective world. Terri does not exist, it's created artificially violators of freedom (by the author) to undermine the vital matter. Poet feels bites to the bone, but never finds any meeting point with, while thousands of puzzles at the same time the brain eating plant. It provides a second reality, herrendiener outside the real, like a trap to transfiguration inevitable. The author, however, maintains the balance between punishment and a vague headache that hurts more to know to flee the other hemisphere, herrendiener along the creative act, keeping intact, with all the powers, inner spiritual freedom.
Making a vertical incision of the central pillars wear pith poetic text, in plain view this sintagmatik, pain resulting Trinitarian then stretched komvencionalisht in three areas: Pain of salt (Lymph), pain freedom (blood) and

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