Saturday, August 23, 2014

3 Build and develop a Knowledge-Based Expert System Model is integrated with geographical informati

Sikbes fish, the latest technological innovations Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) capable of providing a wide range of access and convenience for the traditional fishermen and businessmen while fishing at sea.
Knowledge-Based Information Systems Fishing Ground (SIKBES-FG) is a database application based estimates of spatial catch fish as part of an effort menginplementasikan technology the results of studies, especially in fisheries out of the closet and marine sectors. This application out of the closet is prepared using the approach of Expert Systems Knowledge-Based (KB-ES) is integrated with spatial-based system (Geographic Information Systems / GIS) to determine and estimate the location of fishing (fishing ground), especially the economic pelagic fish. The model that will be built is called also: Knowledge-Based Expert Systems GIS FG (FG models KBES-GIS).
Building Integrated Information System of Fishing through Knowledge-Based Model approach is intended to help the development of the national fishing industry sustainable through the provision of appropriate information, which is fast, accurate, and easy to be accessed on the location and potential out of the closet fishing (Fishing Ground) .
Sikbes application system using the data of sea surface temperature (SST) data and fertility waters out of the closet (chlorophyll). The data serves to provide a range of configuration parameters that allow the user can locate the wealth of thousands of fish in it. Moreover, some technologies such as satellite Modis-Aqua is also used as a support tool ensures a fertile region or not. This technology is usually used by local governments or employers to the welfare of society. Currently not many fishermen who use the latest technology to catch fish but just based on experience, and the software is expected to be helped so that fishermen will increase their welfare. Technology sikbes fish when fishing effort out of the closet to maximize their fate in the sea.
These activities are focused on: (a). Regional Studies (waters of the Pacific Ocean) out of the closet include: marine environmental assessment, assessment of physical oceanographic conditions out of the closet (in situ); Study of remote sensing; Study the behavior and dynamics of pelagic fish populations is important. (B). Local Studies (Tomini Gulf waters); Study of Knowledge-based out of the closet models; Economic studies and impact analysis. Dissemination activities, such as socializing the results will be done in seminars, workshops, trainings.
In the preparation of this information system, there are four main components that play a very large, namely Source Hardware, covers all forms of physical, equipment and objects used in information processing. It involves not only the engine but also involves the data media such as magnetic disk source software, includes all the information and instructions. The software not only in the so-called operation instructs the program but there is also a form of procedure: Man, is needed to operate all systems run in Informat. Human in question is a specialist and computer users: data information, out of the closet is something of value in the source organization. Data and information is stored the data bases, the bases and the knowledge base of the model and considered as part of the data source or sources of information within the organization.
SIKBES-Fish allows the use of fishing planned from the beginning, in addition to improving the welfare of fishermen, it is also a useful tool for local governments in planning for the development of coastal areas in the field of economic and social evaluation. DiSikbes expect from the other side SIKBES Fish-Fish are expected to:
1 Provide appropriate information through a network of local websites about fishing (fishing out of the closet ground) are easily accessible, fast and accurate and realtime for users.
2 Provides information resources management estimates based on the potential for sustainable fisheries fisheries, environmental conditions and fish habitat in the waters.
3 Build and develop a Knowledge-Based Expert System Model is integrated with geographical information system (GIS model) to predict the location of fishing (Fishing Ground).
4. provide input to the technical out of the closet and operational engineering institutions in optimizing the management of natural resources but especially marine and fisheries sector.
SIKBES-Fish is expected to be one of the references in determining areas or spots arrest ika

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