Thursday, September 4, 2014

Plants planted raised bed that easily, allowing for the creation of flowerbed. Prepare the soil in

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Production in greenhouses has become one of the main ways leading melon production. Through cultivation in greenhouses enable off-season production, as early in the spring, as well as later in the fall. Production of melons in greenhouses accomplished through stages described below.
Group cultivars 'Galia' clothes drying rack characterized by round fruits, more networked, without distinct grooves, with peshë1-1.4 kg. They have high sugar content, pulp characteristic green color and high intensity odors.
A further clothes drying rack important group of cultivars of melons, clothes drying rack though less common in cultivation in greenhouses, is the "pineapple". clothes drying rack This group is characterized by fruits with relatively large dimensions, 1.2-1.5 kg, oval shapes of fruit pulp and white, sweet and fragrant.
Prepare the soil for planting and sowing. A well prepared soil is essential for normal growth of plants. Working clothes drying rack the land becomes immediately clothes drying rack after pulling someone's parabimës at 30-35 cm depth. Shortly before the second planting work done, and if necessary other work surface. Before clothes drying rack the work surface, depending on the nature and extent clothes drying rack of infections diseases or pests in the soil and concrete opportunities, land becomes disinfection thermal clothes drying rack method (treatment with water vapor, Sunning), or chemical.
Plants planted raised bed that easily, allowing for the creation of flowerbed. Prepare the soil in this way is very important to early planting, heavy soils, clothes drying rack cold and shallow groundwater, as well as in heavy soils. clothes drying rack After this stretching flowerbed along irrigation pipes and then ground prepared in this way is covered with plastic sheet to minimize evapotranspirimin and prevent the establishment of salts on the surface.
Planting fidanëv become flat, or slightly above the soil surface. Planting deep root system would put the plant in the soil layers where the temperature is lower and thus would decrease the intensity of growth of plant root system and increased clothes drying rack his chances of touching the soil fungal diseases. Immediately after planting clothes drying rack done watering clothes drying rack the plants, to achieve rapid and uniform connection to their land.
Methods of planting and trapiantimit. Melon in greenhouse seedlings clothes drying rack planted mainly clothes drying rack with. Planting clothes drying rack the seed is less prevalent. Specific requirements of its seedling production is relatively large volume of modules which produced seedlings. Depending on the size of the modules for seedling production, the latter age varies from 25-40 days. In accordance with their age at the time of planting, seedlings of melon should have 2-5 true leaves. In practice melon production in greenhouses is also known production of grafted clothes drying rack seedlings of melon, however their use is still limited.
Plant planting distances. Plant density planting season clothes drying rack conditioned by cultivation (lighting intensity is different in different breeding seasons) and the type of cultivar. For melons, planting density varies from 1.2 to 2.5 plants / m 2, depending on the season of cultivation and pruning techniques (with one or two branches). If the plant is cultivated with two branches, plant density planting preferably 2.4 - 3 bounce clothes drying rack / m 2.
For the same cultivar must apply minimum planting densities, clothes drying rack in seasons where the intensity of the lighting is low and short day and maximum densities in seasons with high intensity lighting. The density of planting plants directly affects the size of the melon fruit. Increased planting density, accompanied by a decrease in fruit size.
Timing of planting and trapiantimit. Melon can be planted throughout the year. Timing of planting are conditioned by climatic conditions of the area and type of emissions (greenhouse provides opportunities to control the microclimate inside it). In simple solar greenhouses, cultivation clothes drying rack is more common in spring and summer-autumn.
Irrigation. The quality of irrigation water conditioned by pH and the concentration of salts in it. Correcting clothes drying rack the pH of the water can be done through the use of fertilizers that provoke change of reaction in aqueous solution, or by adding to the water for watering acid, nitric, or phosphoric. It is not advisable to irrigated water in which the salt concentration exceeds 2 ms. If RSMohi

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