make_layer (QURL + "?data=(way[highway]['maxspeed:conditional'~'^120'](bbox);node(w););out+skel;","#FF55F4",name="#d#Conditional=120", 2, false, "2 8"),
Re: Query string for overpass layer, ask!
Re: Query string for overpass layer, ask!
make_layer (QURL + "?data=(way[highway]['maxspeed:conditional'~'^120'](bbox);node(w););out+skel;","yellow",name="#dl#Conditional=120", 2, false, "2 8"),
Structure of query. If you have a separate layerdef for Agricultural and want in notepad clothes hangers ++ all agricultural convert moped, when selecting an agricultural, all agricultural turns green, you can replace them at once by moped?
Structure of query. If you have a separate layerdef for Agricultural and want in notepad ++ all agricultural convert moped, when selecting an agricultural, all agricultural turns green, you can replace them at once by moped? clothes hangers
overpass turbo <has-kv k = "motorcar: forward" v = "" /> The value is adjustable, I would like to see a method which is mentioned only forward the key without which there: state. the value is this possible, or do not use value / blank
as also for the overpass string to use it later. [Highway = *] [motor_vehicle: forward = yes] ~ "^ $ [highway = *] [: Forward] is working with some of the key?
<Osm script> <union> <query type = "relation"> <has-kv k = "type" v = "Network" /> <has-kv k = "network" v = "RCN" /> <HAS -kv k = "name" v = "Zeewolde" /> </ query> <recurse type = "relation-node" into = "nodes" /> </ union> <print /> </ script osm>
<Osm script> <union> <query type = "relation"> <has-kv k = "type" v = "Network" /> <has-kv k = "network" v = "RCN" /> <HAS -kv k = "addr: province" v = "Flevoland" /> </ query> <recurse type = "relation-node" into = "nodes" /> </ union> <print /> </ script osm>
# 12 2014-08-16 15:10:21
If you look at the link that you see a beautiful bicycle clothes hangers route network in Flevoland courtesy of recumbent and others, this newly introduced into osm. see ... & layers = CN
<Osm script> <union> <query type = "relation"> <has-kv k = "type" clothes hangers v = "Network" /> <has-kv k = "network" v = "RCN" /> <bbox -query e = "5.38981" n = "52.39142" clothes hangers s = "52.34551" w = "5.27102" /> </ query> <recurse type = "relation-node" into = "nodes" /> <recurse type = "relation -relation "/> <recurse type =" relation-way "/> <recurse type =" way-node "/> </ union> <print /> </ script osm>
I normally use, instead of the bbox selecting a province through <has-kv k = "addr: province" clothes hangers v = "Friesland" /> and make as for each province a separate file. However, selecting only the network in Almere. Zeewolde Dronten etc. is not selected?
Example, if I look at a piece of route in Dronten from junction 18 to 19, see the link ... & layers clothes hangers = CN looks good? Why other network besides Almere excluded?
As I said, that's because they (including Polyglot) once has grouped all cycling route networks. See, eg, Almere, the routes are again collected in a relationship with a tag addr: province = Flevoland
As I said, that's because they (including Polyglot) once has grouped all cycling route networks. See, eg, Almere, the routes are again collected in a relationship with a tag addr: province = Flevoland
<Query type = "area"> <has-kv k = "admin_level" v = "4" /> <has-kv k = "name" v = "Flevoland" clothes hangers /> </ query
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