Anniche and Annas Rooms Anniche Andersen is the driving force behind the blog that bears her name, in addition placard to the store and online store Annas Rooms. Anniche blogged placard since summer 2006 and she has really given itself. I feel like I've become placard familiar with Anniche placard through her pages. She has a great mood, and the comments she embarks other bebyggere in blogglandia I recognize with the same: they are like big nice smile! The interior is white and clean, and stands in contrast to the red house she, the man and two young children live in. They have their "own" bay waterfront in Southern (wow!):
Five Quick: 1: What three words best describe your style? Schizophrenic, impulsive and versatile! Hehe, nah. Three words I have lots of problems you can perceive! I am very fond of the romantic. Otherwise I will say that I like the bright and Nordic style, with elments of the French (you see now why I mention the word schizophrenic ...) The main thing for me is that: NOT all things must be painted! And that my many precious treasures that have followed me throughout my life still allowed to do it. I love to combine old and new design. 2: Which of your furniture placard are you most fond of? Our gorgeous old dining chairs, as my husband has inherited from his grandmother. Also my awaited white sofa, which easily enough is an Ektorp. 3: If you had unlimited resources: what is your dream home? My dream home is still where it is today, but I could probably have chosen a different building style. Certainly an old fashioned sørlandshus, with double balcony doors that I could "fan" when it became too hot. A garden children could run straight into, not a "styla" one. A charming garden with hammocks and apple trees! What house relates: The practical first: more bedrooms placard on one floor (we have toddlers), large laundry placard room (they are big enough?) And walk in closet to me. But the important; I should have a "Urgammeldags-kitchen" with fireplace, a bit like cottage feel, with a long table, and the whole package if you understand! And it should have been great! Where would I have gathered quantities of good friends on the most delicious dinners. For information sake I could have penetrated a small "pool" in the garden too ... 4: Which website is your source of inspiration No. 1? No spesilelle really, a little here and there! Love the blog these rounds, placard but by and large it all I still love paper editions of ale world interior magazines! There are some bunker month. 5: Who would you give free rein to decorate your home? Hm? At least NOT these that keep on the TVN with the refurbishment of 1.2, 3. The existence we have a great genius what styling concerned; Connie Crossen could well given free hands with me. (Http:// We begin sneak peek into the hallway. Here stands an old cupboard which has got some white paint layer, bought at a thrift store. The table is also bought at a thrift store, and the old chair in a barn outlets. For a delightful start to the tour!
In the living room there is the Ektorp reigns. Most might know this sofa, but for those who do not: it is a pleasure to both sit in and watch this. (Ikea.) Like so good it hekla carpet that is laid on the couch, a trick also four children mamman in an earlier placard repotasje placard uses. Vips: so have no makeover! Imagine curl your legs up here:
I avlsutter home interviewed with two images of Still that I think shows Anniches "signature" very well. Jesus figure and image, the old books, rose pattern and the white furniture is somehow just Anniche.
Much inspiration here thus :) Love the picture from the hallway, it has somehow everything my time has not;) Not to talk about the view! And veggord; I have very fancy. Anyone know how to fix it? 1 April 2008 at. 10:09
Mrs. pink: Thanking for cozy comment in my blog! So exciting blog you have here then! Anniche has pig delicious, yes it is quite clear. =) Lovely views, certainly a beautiful place, a beautiful piece of Norway. =) 1 April 2008 at. 12:35
Hello:-) Thanks for nice words on my blog! It is entirely appropriate that one is very fond of animals you have, so it is nice to get praise about them, so I appreciate the:-) The blog (their?) Looks very exciting and I am going to to "scroll" me through it after I made dinner. Now it's hungry husband placard and children here (reminds placard me really little about the 8 kids and pancake ...), so it must be prioritized enough I realize! I links to you eventually, so I find again since. Have a nice evening! Greeting Britt:-) 1 April 2008 at. 16.57
Thank cozy comment Mrs. Pink. I'll show you some "drops" eventually :) Not everything is as nice to show off but ... there was something about Cobbler children ... it was not .. :) Wash room still stands "on hue". Shall cast weekend. And the kitchen I have to work hard to get with my husband on. But I'll make it eventually :) Maybe I'm showing placard you a little bit from the kitchen now ... maybe ... 1 April 2008 at. 21.51
Ah ... now I felt really
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