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The annex to the development of all-metal thermos flasks letter to the US Patent Office of its founder, William Stanley, Jr. wrote: "Let it be known that I ... have invented hanger game certain new and improved thermal insulation vessel." It happened in 1913, when the famous physicist, winner hanger game at that time more than a hundred patents in the field of electrical engineering, experimenting with welding. Already in 1915 the company Stanley start mass production of all-metal vacuum thermos flask.
Recommend to buy classic by Stanley thermos series Hammertone volume of 1.3 l is not just lovers of outdoor activities, but also to all those who prefer high-quality, reliable and surprisingly strong thermal insulation products. Dual vacuum insulation is capable of storing heat or cold for twenty-four hours, cover volume three hundred twenty-five millimeters can be used as a cup. Other features of the model makes sense to mention comfortable and durable cork handle.
Delivery in Ukraine: The city of Ukraine on Tariffs delivery service delivery time 1-2 days Guarantee: the official warranty from the manufacturer hanger game exchange / return goods within hanger game 14 days Payment: Payment is by cash on delivery payment Visa / MasterCard, Webmoney, Installment (on site)
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