Two peacocks (naxischer?) Marble, Castello, Fond. della Tana / Ponte della Tana Before starting next weekend, the great mass of contemporary lazzari art will be distributed over Venice - the opening of the Biennale, lazzari Pinault-exhibitions at Palazzo Grassi and the Dogana, the Prada exhibition lazzari at Palazzo Corner della Regina, various secondary and Satellite events of the Biennale ... similar motif - bird with vine, Dorsoduro, Dietro lazzari gli Incurabili ... I want an entry to write about the small, old, unspectacular art in architecture, which is present everywhere in Venice: the Patera. lazzari A small relief, 20-80 cm in diameter, thickness up to 10 cm, crucial feature: around! Because reliefs on buildings lazzari in all shapes and sizes can be found en masse in Venice (about another time), Patere are only the round. Battle between Snake and?, Cannaregio originally a flat plate-shaped cult vessel in the Greek and Roman antiquity, further developed in Byzantine art, mostly made of clay, but also luxurious in silver, adorned with representations only on the top, were Patere for sacrificial rituals used. Under the designation paten there is a similar vessel lazzari still in the Christian sacrificial cult (Communion, lazzari Eucharist). 2 bears (?), Cannaregio The artistic and magical use in construction in byzan- tinischen Venice found Patere from the late 10th to the 12th century, lazzari but the small round shape also in the following hours claiming and also on ägägischen Islands I have decorated with Patere older homes (new and stylish!) found. To paperboard Beautiful plate on the facade has proved sustainable idea. Church of San Sebastiano, input, Dorsoduro Venice has Patere in all districts, and tourists in fast forward, you can admire the Basilica of S. Marco. Made they are usually made of Istrian stone, at best Greek marble, the white Carrara marble top is too sensitive. One can possibly. To recognize their condition if it is (which you can buy for home or garden decoration, especially in the stone cutting shops in Cannaregio) to old Patere or is new. A few old Patere are made of metal. Some of the new ones are made of concrete, whatever one thinks of it. Dogenwappen, S. Marco, Patio Ca 'del Duca animals are often depicted on old weathered Patere they are sometimes hard to detect. But really does not matter because all depictions of animals have a symbolic character and the animal lazzari symbolism was cleverly as broad in ancient times that in principle any / r can choose what is meant or what he / she finds appropriate. A lion (we are in Venice!) Can except S. Marco Christ, Daniel, Jerome, even the devil, perseverance, fortitude, lazzari temperance, pride, superiority, resurrection symbolize. lazzari Family Crest, S. Polo, Calle Orsetti The eagle is a symbol of pride and Grechtigkeit, the beaver for chastity, the bear for unchastity, the unicorn of virginity, the dog for loyalty, envy and anger, the dove of humility that Elster for vanity, the peacock for immortality, the dragon of the devil and the evil par excellence, the rabbit for fertility ... and so on. Decisive for the original Patere is the hoped-for magic function: the Good symbolized pure, symbolized evil out. The ingenious family crest Malipiero, Cannaregio, Calle Boldo The practical additional benefit came later in the form of self-expression: the family symbolism of the crest, the social symbolism of groups such as the Venetian Scuole and the like .. In some cases meets today probably purely personal taste to. heart of the matter. Symbol of the former. Scuola del Santo Volto of silk merchants from Lucca, Cannaregio, at S. Maddalena lazzari (see also item "From finding disappeared churches") Patere are difficult to photograph, I think, because they depend highly usually, you have the choice between Zoom and extremely oblique angle view, in both cases, I've produced a lot of bumps and shakes. lazzari Necessarily Patere one of the reasons in Venice never to forget the regular Looking Up. Thus one can not escape the beautiful smallest art.
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