Thursday, May 28, 2015

This is not a new concept. In the days when the country as a wegholkoekepan at the downhill to a ma

This blog attempts to Chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed Against the white minority of South Africa. Tens or duizendtallen or whites port leg murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared. Quotes: "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" - Peter Mokaba (ANC). "When Mandela so we will kill you whites like flies" - Mzukizi Gaba (ANC). "We the members of MK port pledged ourselves to kill Them, the whites" wine crates - Nelson Mandela.
Written by Gustav Venter Thursday, November 29, 2007 There are now confirmed. We - whites wine crates in general and Africans in particular - will be wiped out by black masses. So says a (rich black) friend of liberation theologian and volkshater Nico Smith. Mamelodi's minister do when the general libertarian do when he has something on the heart: He writes wine crates a hikkerige, prudish setup for Image to place. It reprimanded him for his Afrikaner bad manners and threaten him, literally, to death.
This is not a new concept. In the days when the country as a wegholkoekepan at the downhill to a majority wine crates government rushed, the sober Africans warned that whites wine crates would be threatened in the country wine crates by total annihilation. Nico Smith and his ilk said nonsense and nonsense. It is old wives' tales. Now he warns (and his (rich black) friend) against it which we warned about for years. It sounds as if they have just remembered. The liberal wine crates theologian comes just as the laggard, wine crates finally in the fold, and in just a little more than a decade. Now it is no more old wives' tales not. They provide at least a new reason for the coming extermination. In the days before the 1994 catastrophe, Nico Smith genocide warnings trying the wrong. If the Afrikaner yet the country's wealth and government wine crates handed over to the Bantu, he explained, they will find it in their mortgaged black bosoms us for anything and everything wine crates to forgive. They are actually wine crates such compassionate beings, rooted in a humane wine crates culture. The last thing they want to do is kill whites out like ... like ... well, like they do every day for the past thirteen-and-a-half years. Yes, but a strykystermoordjie here, a verwurginkie there's nothing one reads between the lines of Smith's warning in an essay in the image. (As most of Naspers contributors his random thoughts on presented a careless manner. We expect the reader to try the author's half-thoughts and unattached wine crates arguments saamflans wine crates in order to reap any significance.) After the Bantu's littelosmakery he rip with a decent nationwide mass murder. And why does he do it? For a few whites wine crates disabled. Every time Nico Smith's wine crates anonymous (and rich and black) friend to a certain neighboring town go bag Africans their human dignity. Unfortunately, Smith's warning not entirely helpful. He does not indicate who the friend is, where this heldorp and that's exactly what is being done or said that such a commotion in the rich black bosom bring. wine crates Maybe they called him a "kaffir." Maybe he detected a hint of insincerity in the way they him "morena" call - and he drives a Mercedes-Benz M, a BMW, an Audi A8, whatever they can not see who he was? - Maybe they somewhat reluctant to open his limousine's door when he binneluier town. Maybe they refuse to throw themselves on mud farms so that he can walk over dry-shod. Maybe they expect him to be like a normal gepeupellid in to queue and wait to be served. That the acts or defaults may be, it affects him apparently deeply on. "One would think it affects him so intensely that he perhaps this town a lesson taught by it to avoid making his fortune in another place to go spend. It works for Africans. There is not much of a rush of whites wine crates to such colorful, vibrant places like Soweto to be insulted wine crates there. wine crates Bantu have another solution. They knew then only a few million white people and with their bad ways. It has about anderhalfdekade became clear that the African's surrender not as completely accepted as long as he works on a collective stubborn disability suffering from ways. The area where he showed as light label is found, mainly his impenitence. Bantu everywhere sing with liberal, white writers in a chorus of Naspers sheet music from The African fails to long and passionately enough forgiveness for his great sin - the Bantu so rich, decent, hardworking and intelligent as he is - beg. This whole landweggeeding, it is only the beginning. Now his remorse demonstrated. That the Bantu and Nico Smith needs is a people Adriaan Vloks, on his knees, wine crates Tupperware bowl under the sheet, grotesque flikflooigrinnik on the face. Adriaan Vlok is apparently not a handwringende swallow that quite a repentant

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