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By Phil Robertson, Vietnam extremely happy when engaged human rights dialogue since the end result is usually an 'agreement to disagree', rather than reforms meant to free prisoners political or repeal the draconian provisions in the law for the criminalization of political freedoms and civil.
The reality of human rights in Vietnam (RFA / Nguyen Dan Que)
Dr Nguyen retractable clothesline Dan Que: In short, between the reality is happening and what they claim, especially in the field of human rights absolutely no sign of openness retractable clothesline to the requirements of the operation want the government to listen to the people and must respect the right to obtain retractable clothesline information from sources such as the Internet ...; They must be stated on the mass media including the means of another State. That is true, but there is currently no such thing. As soon as write on facebook, or Internet, or they seek out revenge. In my opinion, they are 'buy time', but only to a certain time only; when compared to the speed of development for countries in the region, especially ASEAN to immediately end this year; simultaneously with the pressures of world trade examples bluff and international integration, dictatorship will naturally go down; while we vigorously carry out utmost to speed up the democratic movement: the right to free information, freedom of expression, must be paid out all prisoners of conscience, claim to respect religious freedom ... When you have these elements, retractable clothesline the power to the masses. Based on this we will be fighting to terminate the Article 4 of the Constitution, and will finish about free elections, democratic, multi-party, pluralistic.
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tcdrafting9@gmail.com TTXVA.NET Referendum Party Journalist pleased to see traffic violations offends 3 years, 71 cases unfairly Numerous leaders raising the retirement age will be ready to attack Central America Korea if "war is inevitable" Borrowing to pay public debt: Real Deal! "Hidden" thousands of resettlement plots: the Secretary can not escape responsibility "Group Benefits" and friendly capitalism - warned bitter Global Times commentators distort Vietnam-US relations , Vietnamese-Chinese Bkav ecommerce business is not permitted, only a single measure is all stagnant, where stood, institutional change, worth CS or socialist as it failed completely, elections due to talent, knowledge, experience and credibility with the 90 million retractable clothesline new compatriots and revive economic life of the nation. - When a new regime more, all around the debt will be folded naturally, people who tried Income for Life, the new shopping and create demand for the economy, the banks alive whose bankruptcy, Balance borrow money for new businesses, border area of 200 thousand apartments, selling out to the people with locked-in interest rates (fixed-rate course, CP offset losses if interest rates rise later and share surplus interest rate if interest LS lower market interest lock-in). - Of course dissolved all state enterprises, promotion of trade for exporters, all export items must pass "stringent export quality control," ie high export standards to protect exporters and word trademark "Made in VN ", simultaneously protecting a lasting cooker for our nation. From the economic development, after 5 years we strengthen retractable clothesline the defense and regain Hoang Sa. Police will follow standard CS Australia, Health will gradually reduce the state 4 or 5 patients trg 1 bed, Preventive Medicine, is leading FHS to minimize the number of people hospitalized, education will return as RVN period where the student's diploma recognized worldwide dk, English is mandatory because it is the development of intellectual, scientific, social, technical, security, QP all use English even Google is also English. - Administrative retractable clothesline Reform, fired 2/3, 1/3 and keep wage increases double, who does not run on it for thought for the familiar 2/3 bench then, of course, honesty, transparency, ko corruption and forced to treat as public officials are servants of people, not more, not less, all the idea of bureaucratic authoritarianism offices will be demolished. - About diplomacy retractable clothesline will work in the US, but not the US as dependent RVN yore (yore salon became VN 1 billion dollars, 170 billion dollars of GDP today, so we will buy US weapons,
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