Thursday, November 28, 2013

Agreement on a climate change agreement Grundstze agreement on Grundstze a climate change agreement

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Agreement on a climate change agreement Grundstze: In Warsaw, the climate conference ended with the decision to beschlieen in the follow-up conference in Paris in 2015 Manahmen with which the Erderwrmung should be limited to two degrees.
Image: 2013 AFP agreement on Grundstze a climate change agreement: In Warsaw, the climate catalogue tupperware conference ended with the decision to beschlieen in the follow-up conference in Paris in 2015 Manahmen with which the Erderwrmung should be limited to two degrees. The photo shows climate activists as France's president Hollande (left), Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel catalogue tupperware dressed demonstrate in front of the Tagungsgelnde in Warsaw.
At the UN climate conference in Warsaw, catalogue tupperware the Unterhndler have agreed on a Grundstze knftigen climate agreement, hopes for a big litter but disappointed. According to the agreement are to be adopted to slow down due to reduced CO2 Aussto the Erderwrmung and untersttzen, the developing financially at a follow-up conference in 2015 Manahmen. The Grnen spoke of the "sad culmination of a protracted international climate diplomacy."
Actually wanted the delegations from more than 190 countries have until Friday afternoon the "foundation stone" for have laid a global legally binding climate agreement. But only after some 24-stndiger Verzgerung catalogue tupperware and an informal agreement catalogue tupperware between the main Verhandlungsfhrer was a compromise. The controversial burden sharing between developed countries and emerging emerging and Entwicklungslndern had since the conference opener on 11 November always gefhrt to political tensions.
The global climate catalogue tupperware agreement will now end of 2015 are fixed endgltig writing in Paris and enter into force in 2020. It is designed catalogue tupperware to reduce the greenhouse gas Aussto klimaschdlicher massive and so limit the Erderwrmung compared to pre-industrial era to two degrees - the currently projected trend dignity lead to a temperature rise of just four degrees.
From the perspective of emerging emerging economies such as China and India are historically the Western industrialized countries for today's climate problems at all responsible. Therefore they made in the negotiations a "right to development", and, braced themselves catalogue tupperware vehemently against binding climate targets.
The result was a compromise catalogue tupperware formula abgeschwchter: The final text adopted only see before that all states begin preparing "Beitrge" to the fight against climate catalogue tupperware change, which in turn are 2015 einflieen in the global agreement. A more binding formulation French proposal was redeemed before due to pressure from China and India.
In return, the richer Choose between initially catalogue tupperware prevented a mechanism that poorer establish a compensation for economic "losses and damages" due to climate change conceded hut. The potential donors had a blank check befrchtet, with whom she wren been obliged to quasi unlimited Entschdigungszahlungen. But for the negotiation catalogue tupperware of such an instrument rumte the Polish Environment Minister and chief negotiator Marcin Korolec at the end of the plenary session blo "fourth hour" one - what the Entwicklungslndern not enough.
Already on Thursday in several environmental and development catalogue tupperware organizations had in common leave in protest against the "dominance of economic interests" of the conference. "That's basically economic policy, manifested here", also the director of the UN Environment Programme, Achim Steiner said on Saturday morning in the Germany radio.
", The developing need to watch ohnmchtig how climate change destroys their existence," resmierte Grnen party leader Simone Peter after the agreement on Saturday. "The total failure of Germany and the EU and the blockade Another important industrial nations bestrkt emerging economies such as China and India, to boycott catalogue tupperware the process to a binding agreement on climate change on their part."
Agreement on a climate change agreement Grundstze agreement on Grundstze a climate change agreement: In Warsaw, the climate conference ended with the decision to beschlieen in the follow-up catalogue tupperware conference in Paris in 2015 Manahmen with which the Erderwrmung should be limited to two degrees . Read more on - The contents of this site are protected by copyright. The message is intended only for the personal information. Any other use, including storing in databases, catalogue tupperware publication on other websites, duplication and any form of commercial use, and disclosure to third parties - in parts or in revised form - without the consent of the DANUBE MESSENGER is prohibited. | Imprint / information n

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