After the first steps, who hears the call, just understand that the office Gitano is punctuated by a comprehensive work which includes kitchen canisters reading, listening, caring, Magyar, treat, forward and say goodbye ...
This week, on 8/12, I completed 13 initiatory step in Gypsy, and received by the firm and loving hand of my Bibi, the Shuvani Ramona Torres, the right to step on the floor of Tsara Kalima Romani as a Kalinata ...
I have no words to describe the feeling of love, gratitude and joy, a moment that came so fast, faster kitchen canisters than I deserve, and at the same time, since this year 2010 seem impossible to be endured by so many proofs hard to pass !
Throughout the year, I thought it would be able to get to this point ... but for now, I'm home! Rsss ... as in another tutorial that I had, I know that the initiatory trials are hard, and the Masters test us in our weaknesses, we are literally peeled and ground, to the end, soften the soul tranquil and smile!
When the gypsy people called me I did not understand kitchen canisters your motives, but refused the call and after finding Ramona Torres, I understood what true love is the Gypsy tradition and the fulfillment of priestly duty loving and disciplined, which passes over the difficulties and challenges of life.
Assure friends, but the clothes and colorful fans and tambourines much work will be done! Make no mistake, prejudice and duplicity of intent, leaves much beyond the truth, people's ability to see and understand the spiritual nobility of the Gypsy! kitchen canisters
The hands of my Bibi, received the post of Manouche, which means witch, I was given this position not by merit, but by the mercy of my friends for this gypsy soul that I am, and now also of Rites.
I can only say thank you for this moment kitchen canisters alive, and apologize for a temporary absence that was needed here on the Blog, but now with more calm and time back to post more often and take questions as always, what I really am very pleased.
I can only rejoice and fill me with pride! Congratulations! Many congratulations! That your ways are always full of joy and love! That the spirits of light, today and always, as always, continue to bless you and illuminating, for you to be this channel knowledge, love and light in the lives of so many! Thousand smacks! Val Reply Delete
Linda, I'm very happy for you and your humility in sharing their achievements. I wish much success kitchen canisters to heart and light your way. Before joining here, I was thinking! Cause she's kitchen canisters missing is that? rsrsrsrs ... already explained! Bjos fondly kitchen canisters Sandra Delete Reply
Sonia, dear, Congratulations for this important step taken in this craft so di'ficil but equally pleasurable called mediumship. May you have much success in their walk, much peace and we can learn a little bit of that vast knowledge and humility. kitchen canisters Kisses in your heart Delete Reply
Congratulations, congratulations! kitchen canisters As you well say: It's not just party fans and the people who live cigano.Vive from work, respect, love of everything with apróximo.Mas dedicação.Com love above tudo.Parabéns! You've earned and deserve more. A huge kiss. Beth Reply Delete
Dear Val, Thank you sister for always being around, even though we have not physically kitchen canisters met yet. This moment will come by the hands of fate, I know! Thank you for the beautiful vibrations of love! Optcha! Delete Reply
Sandra, thank you for caring. Each Gento affection I receive here gives me strength to another step. 2011 will be a year of great joy for all of us and this will work Tzara soooo! bjus Delete Reply
Thanks kitchen canisters Irene, I miss u! My Tzara is in the works but in January hopefully already be there, so we'll see! Your words are encouraging walking sister! bjus in your gypsy heart! optcha! Delete Reply
My dear Bibi! left to answer it because I searched for last words, kitchen canisters but I found ... was a happy day, sun evoriano yes, earthy flavor, water, salt, sun and wind. Smell the scent of fruits and flowers, incense and friends on the other side. Mr. Ramiro smell of my girls and so many more who do not know. The vision I had in the morning before the rite, until now, was all recorded in the soul and heart. We will be together for our lives! With the blessings of sara closed a cycle and your hands kalinata reborn, what can I say more? Thank you my Master! bjus in his great heart! Optcha! Delete Reply
Sonia, kitchen canisters Congratulations for this achievement! Although it is
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