Thursday, December 25, 2014

We repeat this little caveat: While these conclusions arise from the consensus of a desk, it is log

We leave the second part of the conclusions I #JornadasDSP. Whenever we meet, you know, even if it takes a while throw to the network. If someone wearing a long waiting for them, sorry. In return, you have all the work we've done (and you saw how well we left the #DSPCancer?) And we promise that we have not stopped to disclose or to work ... Although all aid, proposal or new hands to work always is good, huh?
We repeat this little caveat: While these conclusions arise from the consensus of a desk, it is logical that discrepancies arise with each and every one of them. The findings of a panel or a large study to be considered axioms for the rest of the scientific community does not arise after an hour of work, therefore should tokyo laundry not be taken as well. However, conclusions from raised here do have quite valid clinical and / or scientific, due to the experience and knowledge of those who formulated and agreed with peers. And it's a good place to start to be interested in any of the topics we discussed. We try disclosure without bias and are open to rectify and debate; If you think we made a mistake somewhere, let us know! (Please!).
- In intakes below 20g of protein, tokyo laundry carbohydrates help increase protein synthesis. In carbohydrate intakes below 0.18 g / kg body add protein helps increase glycogen resynthesis.
- Testosterone and growth tokyo laundry homorn released after training does not help to gain muscle mass. The amount of high testosterone is not sufiiente to exit the "physiological" tokyo laundry range. Only exogenous testosterone helps these anabolic effects as it is a much greater doss.
- The ketogenic diet can serve in endurance training, increasing the number of mitochondria and an increase in the maximum volume of oxygen occurs, however, in high intensity sports this diet does not maintain performance by immediate power neesidad (Beta - Oxidation is a path that produces a large amount of energy but is very slow).
- No need for gels at the start of a marathon, triathlon or cycling sports, because in trained athletes, and low ritimo - moderate, more fat than carbohydrate is used. Untrained or obese spend more carbohydrates in the same year.
- The resynthesis of glycogen is biphasic. The first thirty minutes occurs independently of insulin, the insulin takes two hours much of this process. From two hours resynthesis is decreasing, partly because of the release of adiponectin by adipose tissue (increased use of fats as an energy source)
- The absorption tokyo laundry of calcium: Contrary to what has been believed for many years, the lactose facilitates the absorption of calcium (EFSA statement). The GREP-AEDN denied in 2007 that is better absorbed by the calcium / phosphorus ratio.
- The ketogenic tokyo laundry diet is one that induces ketosis in the body. A hormonal level, normalizes the endocrine system and decreases the hunger and, being low in carbohydrates, there is less presence of endocrine disruptors.
-The Food industry has the upper hand. This is something that we all had well understood, the AI now has an economic, political and social power, that our presence does not arrive or the soles of the shoes. A sad reality tokyo laundry that hopefully in the future we can change.
I Yes to partnership, not prostitution. How it is expected that the food industry tokyo laundry continue making the rounds long, was proposed as a possible tokyo laundry solution, try to change it from within, proposing changes in food coming to market for them to be healthier, and overall support to industries that can facilitate the promotion of healthy eating, and leaving aside others that have no remedy or cure possible.
-Other Issues that need review. The laxity of the IA legislation regarding the allegations in their products, education on issues of feeding the population, food labeling, marketing and advertising, development of research in the world of nutrition, among other things, there querevisarlas and improve them thoroughly.
And this is all about our hangouts to date! If you want to know more, in Conclusions I #JornadasDSP (I). See you in the next! Equally (or more) critical tokyo laundry spirit and equal (or more) wanting to disclose (without bias).
Recent Posts Conclusions I #JornadasDSP (II): Depor, Dairy, Ceto and Industry Conclusions I #JornadasDSP (I): Eco, Paleo, Pyramid and Obesity Diet Without Sponsors celeb

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What complication !!! First, because all my summer clothes, is already saved and stored (thanks win

On Sunday I went to Honduras, a conference for work. I looked at the weather channel and the prognosis was VERY HOT! Saturday night, I started to pack and then began my torture ... what becomes wine crates one with much heat, not to be properly dressed for the occasion I say?
What complication !!! First, because all my summer clothes, is already saved and stored (thanks wine crates Mari) and second, wine crates I do not know anyone who is from Honduras, as if to ask "Why are you going to put" wine crates - yes yes, we accept that if we questions we asked her friends what are going to get to more or less have an idea and not come and suddenly see that they were all dressed revelers, while you're in jean relax.
Then I remembered a good friend just arrived on Saturday and could "datearme". wine crates The first thing he told me is that it was a wicked heat and he was wearing very comfortable and relaxed wine crates clothing. Tssss ... bad idea to ask. Actually for men is much simpler, or in a suit or no suit, simplísimo (although in my industry - Insurance - if they are men who come from London wine crates is a MUST wear a suit + tie + more twins, regardless of the weather) .
So ... how do we be "informmal and elegant" in the same tinged with a super hot, at a conference of more than 1,000 people (mostly men) without clash and obvious, also shine?
(I have no photo because my suitcase did not arrive and I had to go to the mall to buy whatever he could find. Luckily there was a MNG store and bought a beautiful black cocktail dress that surely I will soon and some red zapaticos well coquettish)
I would have loved to take pictures of the other (os) participants. I found many divine in the way, some familiar, some not, but I liked that in general most women's event (which tend to be minority in a business mainly men) are all very appropriate for the occasion.
And you? He also happened to have an event, conference, seminar, etc. and do not really know how to make you feel comfortable and super regal? My humble advice wine crates ever ... "keep it simple" and add the just and necessary accessories!
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Home News Speaker Los Mochis Guasave Guamuchil State National International Sports Policiaca Citize

North dams stored 700 million kyle landry cubic meters of water | News Speaker
Home News Speaker Los Mochis Guasave Guamuchil State National International Sports Policiaca Citizen Report Podcast Audio & Multimedia Access Columns Without Taking away or Putting Transition Between Lines Straight Talk
Los Mochis, Sin.- The three dams in northern kyle landry Sinaloa, stored in a whole about 700 million cubic meters of water, which means they are at 11 percent of its total capacity of conservation and is expected to follow the next day down by not showing rains in the mountainous region.
The manager of the Red Fort Valley Mayor, Andres Valdez Conde said the situation is delicate, but at least they have 184 million cubic meters more than the same time last year paasado.
Written by Erika Ruelas on May 29, 2013. Filed under Speaker to Time, Los Mochis, Mas News Speaker. You can follow any responses to this entry-through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
with respect to a bolero or shining shoes deserve, if made known loa storage dams, this gentleman valdez Count is an employee of an LLC that is not authorized to disclose the storage of regional dams, but not to blame the Indian but it does compadre.
if you already gave them water to agricultoresa Valley kyle landry reed please go to shop 1 lap on the side of chuihuahuita by 14 to 100 to see the sorghum is 1 HURT ............. ..Please really ......... ......... ..
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Arrested municipal subject to an arrest warrant by editorial staff - No comments Sedeshu water pipes ready for Choix by editorial staff - No comments Checkpoints kyle landry of foreign goods detects possible corruption in customs for editorial kyle landry staff - Abusive kyle landry comments and kill deer in the park Hernando de Villafañe kyle landry by Pablo Cesar Espinoza - 23 comments It Esteban López PRD's proposal to rule Sinaloa Municipality by Pablo Cesar Espinoza - 15 comments One child under 11 years sexually abusing a girl of six years in Culiacan by Carlos Rosas - 13 reviews Mel García: "While the people go benefited, that bark" Bojorquez PRI councilor Claudia Pérez Gustavinho C: "While kyle landry the people go benefited, that bark" Bojorquez PRI councilor Claudia JANA MONTANA: "While the people benefited out that bark "PRI councilor Claudia Bojórquez

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Related articles: online shop body products plate hangers with OsCommerce modified plate hangers ch

Catalogue of shoes with VIP options and modules for commercial | PHP Programmer .ORG
Base: OsCommerce plate hangers online with a purchased template. SEO, lightbox and other contributions were installed. Flash animations configurable with XML that are automatically generated from the product images uploaded added. A series of modules for commercial was created so that they can work comfortably: creates PDF's with the contents of the catalog, order manager plate hangers to add series with commentary and different values of attributes in a single line item, several forms with required fields to send to the company, importer data CSV / Excel with photographs to export data from any program and import them into the database catalog, forms, validations as AJAX that are mailed and stored in the part "VIP" as orders from wholesale trade, etc.
The Web is developing new formats for ordering custom, mail and HTML for administration interface added from the account of a user or administrator plate hangers ...
When registering a user, the administrator assigns a group, depending on the group that is, some options or other images on the stock appears with an alarm, displayed using PHP script that checks the number of items available plate hangers and allows set the parameters with which it is generated
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Categories m tehnika Cooperatives financial Autogestión Biomimicry Conferences Courses Decrease Eco

Cradle to Cradle: a new way to interpret m tehnika environmentalism. | Alternativasalsistema
Traditionally the main slogan of environmentalism has been "Reduce, reuse, recycle". The authors propose using this book a change of approach. Reduce the impact on the environment cause slowdowns same, but faster or slower would be coming to the same end. Against this background propose that problems are fully address from the same root, ie, instead of reducing energy consumption, we focus on that from the very design and conception of any product, strategy or policy takes into account all phases of the products involved (extraction, processing, use, reuse, recycling ...) so that energy m tehnika costs even necessary, including the balance of costs and contributions is positive.
Born to a practical example this would mean that if a building is energy intensive with air conditioning and lighting, instead of (or better while) optimize the performance of the equipment and the installation m tehnika of photovoltaic panels, propose design the building since it began considering the use of cross ventilation and natural lighting, not need energy expenditure that would occur otherwise. Even the building produce more energy than it consumes (and depuraría water passing m tehnika through it, etc).
The key concepts of philosophy "cradle to cradle" are intuitive and rooted in the imitation of nature, or more precisely the connection m tehnika with it mode: The use of energy m tehnika reaching the earth now (solar) instead of the energy stored in processed inside the planet for millennia (fossil fuels) Complete closure of material cycles materials: in the planet's ecosystems, there is no waste. Our societies can do the same designing all products so that materials are recycled in the same use, or are recycled "up", ie the next use more valuable than today. An example of real recycling (which is used in the forests of the planet) are compostable materials: to integrate into the life cycle of materials, a T-shirt or pair of compostable shoes would become tree, animal or ourselves by digestion of composted materials and subsequent crop fertilization. m tehnika The text proposes two cycles independent and insmiscibles materials: the life cycle (food) and the technical cycle (appliances, vehicles and other goods that can not be mixed with food). Celebrate our influence in the world: through the "fault management" is widespread feeling that it would be better if you were not here, polluting and extinct species daily. However, from this point of view it is very difficult to be truly creative and positive. Trying to be "less bad" is not good. However, being good is possible and also more exciting. There are existing m tehnika technologies that allow the design m tehnika of processes and products so that consumption is beneficial for the planet, as in ecosystems since the beginning of time.
This book is intended for all kinds of people, especially those who have in their hands a design capacity or investigation, as architects, entrepreneurs, scientists, artisans, engineers ... but for its simple and clear language m tehnika make reading m tehnika enjoyable and great interest to any reader.
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Categories m tehnika Cooperatives financial Autogestión Biomimicry Conferences Courses Decrease Ecological Economics Energy General Meetings Permaculture Books Videos m tehnika Globaleconomia perverse one action for more than one function.
" A southern man. I come from the desert and saw my grandfather planted in the desert. I do not know if you know what to plant in the desert. Sow in a barren land and then wait. If the rain falls, m tehnika collected m tehnika . Do not know if you've seen the desert after the rain, it's like Britain !. One day you fly on a completely scorched earth, then it rains and what follows, you wonder how you ever happen: you have flowers, greenery ... Everything m tehnika just because the grains were already there ... This image really marked me as a child. And therefore, we must plant! Even in the desert, we must plant! " ..and if it rains tomorrow, okay, and if not, at least the grains m tehnika are there, because what will happen if I did not sow? On what rain fall? What is going to grow, stones? It is the attitude that I adopt: sow in the desert ... ".
February m tehnika 2011 MTWTFSS Nov ma

An action filed by Diocesan Caritas and that the Council Cervena collaborates actively making its a

"Chronicle" Social Services Hart works with Caritas in a campaign to collect clothing for the most Navy - Lugo Coast - information Mariña
.: Home Chronicle Political Opinion Brief More Sports lockers Media Services Indicators Regional Scholarship Sweepstakes Quinielas Results LF / LFS Programming Tv Weather Hobby Contact Advertising Video Library
Cervo, June 1, 2013- The City of Cervo, through the Social Services department, working with Caritas in an action that aims to cover basic needs of people lockers with scarce resources such as apparel and footwear. A campaign in which only asks the public to attach Clothing or the home, such as tablecloths, sheets, towels, and also shoes and handbags that you no longer use. A piece that will be destined to the needy, the first residents of the diocese, since many of the area closets are stocked according to reports from Caritas by the increase in requests and donations drop. Also waiting to send clothes to the Saharawi refugee camps or Guatemala.
Since Social Services Hart explained that the material donated by not having to be in perfect lockers condition, since those clothes that do not serve to wear also have a use, being sold to a company for its recycling, a sale of that profit which will be divided between Caritas Navy participate in this action and then revert in the neighborhood lockers that need. Still, all parts must be clean and presentable, and will be delivered in plastic bags.
An action filed by Diocesan Caritas and that the Council Cervena collaborates actively making its available municipal facilities where was the Foreman as the base point for the storage of all the material that it is gathering at different points enabled donations, lockers which concrete lockers are the churches parishes Navy collaborators. Thus, all the pieces will be provided by the citizenship periodically lockers moving to that point central storage Cervo where are stored lockers until the time of the distribution.
The mayor of Social Services, Pilar Navy, says that this is a good time to launch this campaign to be immersed in a change of season, "so it is easier to find and remove all those clothes that does not let us give use and can serve to help many people who need it, "so lockers that Navy invites the public to get involved in this initiative by making their contributions.
The mayor met with the pastor these days Hart and Caritas volunteers to coordinate this action has already been initiated. "The Pastoral Unit Hart has transmitted his thanks lockers for joining the campaign, but we really are from the Council those who have to thank their initiative so necessary in these difficult times" ends Navy.
This Saturday, December 20, starting with acts Christmas Alfoz, boys 6th College Course Number 1 Foz, directed by the teacher Montse Blanco, represented in the House of Culture Alfoz the work entitled "A Cinderella of the century." On behalf were also helped by six children in the Youth Theatre Group "The Maseira" Alfoz and Valadouro. The Assembly Hall was almost full, both by people and by people Alfoz Foz. It was a fun upgrade of the tale of "Cinderella" with an argument adapted to our time. Santa visits the Primary Fund-Boys
Following with the Christmas campaign, next Sunday, December 21 at 19:30 pm, is organized in the parish church of Santa Maria Valdeflores, lockers located in Vilanova de Lorenzana, a concert to benefit Caritas Lourenzá act where altruistically: Lino Rico, F. Javier Bossa and Maica Rico, with a repertoire of sacred music, classical and Galician. Admission is free and free, agradecéndose donations from the heart. This act completes the Christmas campaign started with a football match-supportive Lourenzá Pontenova on 22 Santos in the field of Sta. Cruz and a food collection made in the establishments of the village and the parishes of the municipality. The puppet characters scheduling Christmas Mondonedo
Within the Christmas lockers programming that the Council provides Mondonedo under the patronage of the Deputy first of the provincial and aimed at children and family can enjoy a puppet performances will take place the following day on the conference lockers hall of the House of Youth from 18.00. The Friday, December 26 Nutcracker Puppet put in scene "A devil in the suitcase"; Sunday 28 Matapiollos represent "The rebellion of the puppet"; Monday 29 Mircromina puppets act with "Stories from the road" and Tuesday 30, Tanxarina offer the show entitled "Titiricircus". Concert of Carols in Burela
The Culture House Burela houses this Saturday, Dec 20

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Le Corbusier, Weissenhofsiedlung double house in Stuttgart, 1927.

I wondered how long would it did not come in the house a bottle of wine. My grandfather, God rest his soul, was not a bad drinker, remember having gone to look for kid more than once by the bars in the neighborhood some Sunday family meal because, he said, he was going holy heaven and all the world waiting with the table set while he asked one last round and spoke of war and Luis Miguel Dominguín. I remember those huge barrels filled taverns where they used obsequiarme with a handful of olives or anchovies in vinegar and where the wine was like a dew that went to the counter and wooden barrels, fruity sweat invaded the Senecas air where frustrated pontificating about this and the other, the government, the Tour de France, the futility of life, the speed of time. In his last year of life, beset by woes hopelessly gimi Gramma put coke on the table telling her it was wine and poor bulged tears from their eyes watching the man, the old authority of caveaux the neighborhood, was no longer able to tell the difference. ("Visitors").
The absence of someone gimi who has died is something that certainly can not be touched, but almost. It is no longer just the sort of shadow that glides through the corridors and hides in closets where left empty suits are stored, especially a pair of black shoes always look set to take a walk with his slight limp veteran and haunt you again for the rooms, "I will teach you, you little bastard." Not that old legend of coughing in the middle gimi of the night sounding from what was his room ajar, or ghosts water skin, nor laments pipes or wind hitting the blinds. The absence of a recent death is above all a portion gimi of slightly thicker than the rest, keeping the smell and lands on things like a cloud shadow air. ("The usher")
Actually I'm not sure what I was afraid it was not so much the fear that had just crumble altogether a couple who already had water on all sides as the panic she look at me as you look at a traitor, perhaps a tear hers who would escape undoubtedly sea of questions gimi not find the words and stay there, blushing gimi and helpless, guilty of putting poison in our lives distrust and the ghost of the end. Fear also hurt, always half sick with his ragged homespun robe, always half sewing, half watching TV, afraid of his sadness, the sadness of his evenings gimi sewing with bad light and boleros of abandonment and snacks Coffee with milk on the kitchen table and youth escaping swift, like blood from a vein slashed at full speed, panties increasingly large, loose carvings, wanting to mourn sometimes simply because yes, creams and more creams on the shelf basin, glasses for almost everything. That sadness and shortness of breath. I'll come see you, Susan, and see how yes, I'll find a way. I'll find the time, find a way to say that I'm a few days, a couple of days even if, one day. I'll get to where penumbra where you sleep naked and slowly withdraw the sheet recess your wild softness, you'll see, and I curl up with face hidden in your breasts while the other side of the window traffic on wet soil sounds muted , buses of tourists heading to the Guggenheim sleepy, delivery vans, police cars here and there, we will love as the water falls gently on a Bilbao shadows and gray trees. I will, my life, but now he's sleeping on the couch and the book he has been open on the chest, and I see there, Susan, and I feel fear of a pain I can almost touch, with his eyes closed, tangled between his fingers. gimi She did not understand that I wanted to leave, we do company here, I always go to buy bread, every night I extend an ointment gimi in the back, listen to the radio until dawn. She has her genius, and I do not know, just puts his nose into everything that breathes or not to bother. I'm not sure, but maybe our lives separately must be in force as dark tunnels, when you get tired of me and go back to your world Saturdays turning on the track and boys laughing leaning on red cars, with his glasses sun and life ahead. ("The lack of air").
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Le Corbusier, Weissenhofsiedlung double house in Stuttgart, 1927.
"Woman with Hat" Silvio and Chagall Recent Posts Malatesta Temple, Leon Battista Alberti, 1450, Rimini. "Game and distraction" from James Salter. "Chronicle of Wapshot". John Cheever. Just what I lost. Carlos gimi Castan. gimi The tender regrets. Yoko & n

I edited some fascist sterilite storage entries with the author of this biography we

Eduardo sterilite storage De Robertis - Taringa!
I edited some fascist sterilite storage entries with the author of this biography we "delight". sterilite storage Despite the ideological chasms that separate me from Dr. Eduardo De Robertis, I can not fail to recognize their immense importance in medicine, and behold a well deserved tribute to this outstanding Argentine scientist at which the "prize" Nobel was I denied .
Eduardo De Robertis A child and the family sterilite storage life of a man is to himself and his society. This is the case of Eduardo De Robertis who, guided and supported by their parents and teachers, honored him with the fruit of labor. As a boy helped mother to line tacos shoe, that way, working with the husband to the household. Now a little older accompanied his father to the shoe factory in arming and sewed shoes soles: "I liked the guy to go to the factory where my father was on Saturday afternoons, sometimes on Sundays, to clean machines , aceitarlas and keep them in working order during the week. And then I liked to get in there with a bench and try to help me too to clean ". That child was Eduardo De Robertis, born in Buenos Aires on December sterilite storage 11, 1913, two Italian immigrants who had formed family in that city in 1912. When Edward started elementary school, teachers warned their intellectual quality. The father and mother should keep the family putting personal projects, when they learned sterilite storage of the capacity of the child, drove with their own wills of triumph: "The concern of my parents sterilite storage has always been that I could continue sterilite storage studying." Completed primary, and since the school opened the way to college, Eduardo De Robertis began his secondary education at the National "Mariano Moreno" College Rivadavia sterilite storage Avenue. Although the economic situation of the family had not improved much, Eduardo could concentrate sterilite storage on studies because, as always remember: "My sisters worked to help me study." From the third year, Eduardo prepared thoroughly, the entrance exam to the faculty doing their own summaries of academic texts: "I always went ahead a little sterilite storage at a time to my studies." Thus, after graduating from high school brilliantly, the entrance examination, she feared, found it very easy and, in February 1932, Eduardo entered the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. "A spiritual father" In the first year of college, De Robertis closely followed the classes taught histology Pedro Rojas (1887-1941). After passing the subject sterilite storage with distinction, Eduardo asked the teacher an assistant stand. Rojas said, "I would propose the same." And tuteándolo filial, he added: "Well, from now on you'll be my personal assistant at the chair". This meeting sealed the scientific career of De Robertis, who, in April 1933, began as a Research Assistant honorary "Being batman Pedro Rojas meant I had to get to school very much because I read all the books that told me and had to make summaries and also the Slideshow corresponding to each class. Practically had to study alongside him to give classes. " Once, Eduardo suffered the grievous sterilite storage service of this learning and dropped the research microscope Rojas who had asked to be transported from one table to another. "But he said nothing very hurtful And at the end of the day told me if Teatro Colón wanted to go because I had a ticket. It was a way to alleviate all that was suffering at the time. I think it was an example of how to treat young people when they make some mistakes sometimes that is not voluntary. " Rojas, who used to remind students that their ancestors had come to this land with the Spanish sterilite storage conquistador Juan de Garay, sterilite storage was Director and full-time Professor of the Institute of Comparative Anatomy General and Embryological located next to the Institute of Physiology, directed by Bernardo A . Houssay who was a close friend. In 1934, the scientific initiation Eduardo was a little confusing when, for display and using Rojas, wrote a harsh critique of an article on the development of the embryo published in The Medical sterilite storage Week. Following the publication sterilite storage of the review, two people were presented at the Institute representing the outraged author to challenge him to a duel. Then said the Red professor whose authority prevented, in that even barbaric society, a better shooter eliminate this nascent scientific "son of his spirit." During those years, De Robertis worked hard. At the same time doing a job almost

Friday, December 19, 2014

Approaching footsteps on the varnished floorboards increasingly lock and lock wax, and runs to hide

From its roof's like looking at life from the top and watch the people go by, imagine as you feel walking in the shoes of everyone who follows his gaze until he reaches the eye and lost by the end of your street .
Fill it curls hair and ragged laughter is the air escapes every laugh, his black eyes illuminate a look as beautiful as she. Scampers ceaselessly from side to side of the roof and loves to dance in the light of the moon and sun. Open your arms crossed and touring nonstop with the neck rearward facing the sky. Inside his head sounds each time the band sound that suits your choreography, the records in memory and reproduce at will in your life.
Today he jumped up, ran to the kitchen for their grain and after brushing your teeth, prostrated himself before the mirror, trying endlessly outfit after outfit entire wardrobe a little one can have. Carefully select shoes and accessories for your hair, love trying on clothes, viewed from every angle of the mirror lock and lock and put faces to each pose.
After the door ajar, monitors in the hallway no one and tiptoed forward against the wall, so quiet it seems that the breeze carries on wings to her mother's room, there he sits with one's coquetry age and playing for hours put necklaces, earrings and rings, the love to fantasize, with thousands of situations that are stored in its memory, moments that television's served on a platter, many evenings in front of him.
Simula put drops of perfume as does his mother at the temples and wrists, unopened vials containing it. After bringing his small upturned nose with exaggerated gestures gestualiza diva, how pleasant aroma rub it on your skin.
Approaching footsteps on the varnished floorboards increasingly lock and lock wax, and runs to hide behind the curtains are heard, does not want the surprise play growing up, does not want to risk punishment, which ends up being not go to fly its roof.
Her stomach full of butterflies that flutter lock and lock unruly whenever peeks above the parapet for your roof and pick who will leave for a walk imagining other lives. Here comes the first!
Far chrome flashing a quick bike crosses his street, at the rear leads fruits impossible balance that perfume the way to his step. Do not hesitate a moment and climbs fascinated imagination. On the back of it and is thrown into the streets selling door to door carrying meats, and out of the water and earth, of hands after and collected each vegetable sprout up to the table. He imagines waving at each door who buys their cargo. Departe with them and gives smiles and winks, also tells the vicissitudes of day and life, and at the end keeps the coins in her purse and a ring-ring metal ring handlebar diaspora continues its daily fruit handing down hill . A beeping sound of a car, low reverie and bicycle alike, lock and lock landing on the pavement mud from your roof.
Outside your door traffic stops a van with flowers and when the march begins it is she who leads. Down the hill and aroma of the cargo is everywhere. Facing a huge house, embossed handmade wooden doors and brass lanterns on either side stops. Surprised and fascinated, supports the hand on the brass knocker which represents a star and opens one of the doors. Behind them a yard like a gigantic hall, impresses. His steps were slow at the same time his jaw drops to the limit, leaving his battered teenager bare teeth.
Notes stunned as sources of water splashing fine threads that draw a symmetrical parabola with the end in the center of the pump, the tinkling noise excites the senses and majestic pots are grouped in the corners are green stay cool and not indifferent. A huge marble table and chairs the basis of forged hall from which the different rooms of the palace are distributed. On her two empty vases await the flower arrangement that carries his van, and embossed silver tray, there is an envelope with the amount of cargo, which awaits once the vases are filled, work and merchandise are cashed . But before you decide to explore the halls and glide running around the corridors cobbled hide mysterious lock and lock and curious, after each column of red travertine, climb the stairs and splashed water jets, runs every place and weaves in his memory stories that dreaming. Without lock and lock realizing it is already on the first floor of the corridor and after seeing

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Clear this, we did not tell you any costs or taxes. I do not think they are mileuristas damodar val

Norman Vilalta or as a young lawyer decides to leave everything by a passion: shoes. This could be the beginning and end of the story of a man chasing an ideal romantic. Make customized shoes. And in a country with a long tradition damodar valley corporation of shoemakers; Spain. Sounds crazy, right? Leaving behind a lifetime to devote to do what you want is really a dream only available to a few. Like an exclusive and luxurious object is involved. Something reserved for the few brave. As Norman Vilalta master shoemaker. Established in Spain since the beginning damodar valley corporation of this century, this "tailor" shoes from Argentina, pursued since its inception as an apprentice damodar valley corporation in the workshop of Stefano Bemer in Florence, perfection and elegance in an element that can not pass unnoticed for any gourmet. His shoes. Today abound where many firms with production serial call and industrial nature, some are not satisfied damodar valley corporation with this option we seek those "lasts" that only Lobb, Berluti and of course, Norman Vilalta only we can offer. The creative process of Norman Vilalta shoes begins with a careful analysis of customer needs and tastes. Just as every person is different, so too must be their shoes. Vamp, ... and to the plant along each of the fingers: foot measures are taken. Following the style of the form where the customer is always the ordering defined and decides that shoe is the one that best fits their preferences, more rounded, pointed, square ... In this first form is the rising of the "mold" or shoe test being used to make modifications and adjustments to the final design. It is at this point that the customer chooses skin type, color and finishes that have their future shoes. Everything is a continuous work of communication with the client until you get that perfect pair of shoes for every person. The processing time of a pair of Norman Vilalta carries over 200 different, completely handmade processes and 50 hours, on average, for each pair. Although they have come to make models that have needed up to six months of work. The production leaves the workshop Vilalta in Barcelona is only 100 models per year, mostly for overseas customers. Each of these customers has its own mold made of wood and carefully labeled and stored. Besides ensuring that no two identical shoes leave his workshop, all client Vilalta addition be recognized by an asymmetric damodar valley corporation shoe. Unlike the left to the right. "I always make the shoes different from the inner side and outer side, which is seen in the heel. This is a detail of mine, a game. "; in the words of Vilalta own, for us it is a real treat. Contributions from: nextroom Norman Vilalta
My seem to me too. The fewer models, more exclusivity.
In the workshop Norman Vilalta four craftsmen work besides himself. On average needs a 50h. for the development of a single pair of shoes. This medium. There are models that require months of work. In addition Vilalta spends much time visiting customers "home" having to travel up to 3 times for the same request.
Well do not leave me the numbers. If you make 100 pairs, an average of 2,500 each, making a gross income of 250,000. If they work 5 to assume they charge everyone the same, including Norman, damodar valley corporation have a salary of 50,000 each.
Clear this, we did not tell you any costs or taxes. I do not think they are mileuristas damodar valley corporation not work for the love of art of his master shoemaker. They must have other income, I do not think manufacturing alone.
A 250,000, you've subtracting all costs, supplies, materials, cost of the local etc etc. It is clear that mr. Vilalta charged more, but much more than copper, will get a salary more than average. It will not get rich.
Clearly Norman Vilalta will not charge as his assistants, but that will not make you a millionaire. Why I said I do not see the business anywhere, unless a part of making shoes, industrial design lines or something.
I differ on the subject of business. Many times people have business just to be able to pursue what they want. Let me explain damodar valley corporation the purpose of any business is to make money, but the target damodar valley corporation amount to win can also be different. How many people have left their jobs supraremunerado manager to go to the camp to prepare damodar valley corporation some wine. Muchisimosssss. And when you ask them why, just repsonden you who do not money, it's just personal enjoyment.
Not know the turnover of Vilalta without

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hugo Reynoso is one of them; for 37 years, serving the office next to the dressing rooms of the Tea

Traditions and Trends Music Theatre and Dance Cultural Tourism Intimate Columbus: anonymous characters that give life to Buenos Aires Centennial Coliseum wicker basket looks GORGEOUS PICTURES. Luciano Pavarotti wanted to buy the shirts stitched him for an opera; Placido Domingo ordered three pairs of shoes to the shoemaker artisans; above backdrop weighed almost 1,500 kilos and today, half.
In the field of stately Teatro Colón, the Argentine Coliseum centenary through which passed the most renowned artists of opera and ballet, also sounds wicker basket of cumbia. Under the foyer of the magnificent building, where the Center for Experimental theater works, a young violinist rattled the ropes as a photographer and the portrayed, as background, a DVD issued a tropical melody track. On the next floor, another scene disturbs wicker basket the visitor. While in the pit of the stage, under the baton of prestigious Roberto Paternostro, the Stable Orchestra played scores of the opera Elektra, up the sets representing the landscapes of ballet Giselle. Lived amid the gloom, several instances of the process of production of two of the works included in this season of Columbus. In the third basement, Room 9 July, a group of young members of the Stable Ballet rehearsing positions and movements wicker basket to the beat of a piano notes Caserón desgranaba Texas. And a lone musician practicing his trumpet in a corner of the Bicentennial room reserved for ópera.El work was also relentless in other basements of the building in downtown Buenos Aires, where artisans workshops Tailoring, Shoe Shop, Barber Characterization and gave the first, or the últimos- details costumes, footwear and headgear imminent, or both, estreno.A the same time, in a manufacturing environment wicker basket like in a shed of Chacarita, technical areas of Scenery, Sculpture, Painting, Welding and Props -mudadas following the recent reform of theater-concocted and aprestaban stunning scenery, including noise lathes, welding and hammers. A flatbed wicker basket truck remained parked in front of the place, called The Cloud, to transport wicker basket to the theater some of the scenic parts requested ggiseur ré Elektra, which coincidentally wicker basket is the CEO of Columbus, Pedro Pablo García Caffi.
Curious, surprising and shocking: that's the intimacy of the Teatro Colón. Each staging is unique. Not only because of the uniqueness of the performance of performers, ranging wicker basket from cast to cast, and from function to function. wicker basket Are also unique scenery, wicker basket props, costumes and shoes embody the workshop wicker basket for each show and, for the most part, are not reusable.
Thousands of costumes and elaborate pairs of shoes as stored in the basement. Some of the designs dressed divas as Maria Callas and Montserrat Caballé are displayed in showcases in various sectors of the building; others wicker basket never again see the light.
And disused pieces of scenery rest by different corners of Columbus and one finds in its path, involuntarily. For example, a chair used during the presentation of Idomeneo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in July, he incorporated into his office chief Theatre Artistic Production, Florence Sanguinetti. O Christ giant eight meters high, built for the start of the f orce fate, Giuseppe Verdi, in 2012. Today, from one corner of the back of the stage, "protects" backstage artists participating in the functions.
"Only 30% of the sets could recover explained María Cremonte, director of Escenotécnica-. But it more expensive to hire labor for 20 days to dismantle and accommodate them in trust to return to them. "
There are 1212 people who engage in the various departments of the centenary theater, added administrative, technical and artists Stable Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Buenos Aires, the Stable Stable Ballet and Choir.
It is anonymous employees working as silent supporters of the artistic tradition that since its inauguration in 1908, exalts the Colón. They are also custodians of the best kept secrets of Buenos Aires Coliseum and privileged witnesses of the scenes from operas, ballets and concerts that attract more than 300,000 viewers per year.
Hugo Reynoso is one of them; for 37 years, serving the office next to the dressing rooms of the Teatro Colón. It is responsible wicker basket for the distribution of cold drinks, tea, sandwiches and invoices between singers, musicians, dancers and directors. The coffee filter, except for Daniel Barenboim. wicker basket
"The teacher likes Out, then

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

When I opened the drawers all the clothes closet was just like mom left when he died, almost ten ye

Since my father died I've been dismantling his house. Taking shoe storage cabinet care of the possessions of a parent is a complex experience. What to keep, what to share with others, why donate to charity? shoe storage cabinet Is it wrong to throw something that is treasured? After the death of my mother, my father sold two homes and sheltered all their belongings. He stayed with the best, the most beloved and esteemed things in your life together.
It's easy to know what to do with special furniture and works of art but what about those little treasures that were special to them, the objects they loved and were unwilling to leave ?.
When I opened the drawers all the clothes closet was just like mom left when he died, almost ten years ago. Tablecloths with matching napkins meticulously starched, ironed and tied with silk ribbons pastel. Silverware, now dull, carefully placed in a cabinet and is used only for very special guests. I found precision engineering tools of the 40s, when Dad started his career, shoe storage cabinet objects that were replaced by digital instruments. However, he kept them in the nightstand next to his bed. Ironically its many diplomas were not framed in an old shoebox stored on top of your closet. I had assumed that was framed in his office, but never framed one, Stanford would have been appalled by this lack of respect. On the other hand, slides and photos of their travels around the world were carefully preserved in plastic albums and placed in labeled boxes. Their priorities are clear. As I reviewed the photos and slides, I saw scenes shoe storage cabinet that were for me only landscapes, buildings and impressive shoe storage cabinet monuments. Without the context of emotions and thoughts that are remembered, are nothing more than old photos that make no sense. But it was not easy to dismiss them because I knew that each of them was a special memory for my parents. I was in a dilemma, what should I do with memories? Is it unfair of me if I throw it away? Why do I care so much? I guess it's because he loved them.
Forming a loop over the great spiritual service to date have made Dr. Elena Moreno and her husband, Chief Oscar Moreno, whom some of us have learned over three decades.
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Monday, December 15, 2014

The autonomy of steps sensor is one year, while the Vitalizer can operate continuously for more tha

Shoes with sensors to help improve health Technology in Spanish. Compare tutorials, tricks, mudroom lockers help, step by step, how News
Vital Adaptaction Callaghan shoes are created with the goal of helping users to take care of your health. Developed by the Spanish company Callaghan and the Technological Institute for Footwear (Inescop), form a sensor that records user activity and allows you to develop different training programs.
The company, known for its comfortable shoes designed for walking, wanted to go a step further with the development of Adaptaction Vital, joining the characteristics of their shoes (widen the ground when putting the foot cushion the heel and the sole articulated two sides to evenly distribute the weight of the user) technology mudroom lockers to improve the health of users.
These shoes up in a hole in the sole steps sensor that records the user's movements and sends them to a receptor called Vitalizer. The information is transmitted wirelessly to the frequency of 2.4 GHz to the receiver, which must be located in the vicinity (pocket, purse or backpack user), where it is stored for further processing on the computer.
The autonomy of steps sensor is one year, while the Vitalizer can operate continuously for more than nine months without transferring the data to the computer. It has an on-off mudroom lockers switch and an LED status indicator. It is powered by two easily replaceable AAA batteries. This device is equipped with a USB connector that allows sending data to the user's exercise program, mudroom lockers where they are stored and processed to give the appropriate indications. mudroom lockers
Once the Vitalizer connected to the USB port of the computer user, data are transmitted mudroom lockers via Internet web Callaghan, which automatically shows the evolution of user activity. This can select the desired training program between Iron Heart options (to improve the circulatory system), Young Spirit (focusing on benefits for the elderly) and Zero calories (to combat obesity and overweight).
Information from the data recorded by the user, the intensity and duration of exercise and tips on time, distance and intensity for subsequent sessions mudroom lockers offered in each of these programs.
I know that every time you hear more what that "the slots" make us live more and more sedentary lifestyle mudroom lockers and lovers of these devices are constatemente accused by the hours spent in front of them, realizing just physical activity
Despite its simplicity the first installment of this proposal is one of the most played titles for Wii fans. And not because gift comes with the console, but because it's terribly fun and addictive, especially with more players
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We all wear shoes and rain boots now called hunters. It is no longer splashes in puddles. Probably

My father, in his wisdom said you can go there in his ragged shoes but had to keep them clean always. It said, and I have to give the reason that shoes are a hallmark that marks us and defines us because they are the garment that requires effort and you the you can put with care or those who first what is or he cares little. They are clean underwear or care inside hair, but in view of everyone.
When someone comes to sell me something I look shoes. If worn, dirty or appear to be bought at the outlet of Springfield 1998, I no longer do her case because I am convinced that cares much less the details of his appearance. Sometimes they are like houses and sometimes messy as houses that look like a hotel without being neither a house options really. If shine much is too much or excessive interest in pleasing but almost in a magical clothes hanger way, fit with the impression of the character, then I pay attention. It is a racist consideration but is usually true. The hipster lead perfectly adequate and, in some cases, matching slippers rimmed glasses.
Some women are fans of the shoes. The purchase, the store, the look and clean. They stilettos, wedge, flat, lace or those that leave the fingers piled on top as if it were the story of three friends going through the same door and being crowded. There are sneakers that were never used for sports and sandals with a flower on the tapes that separate the fat from the other finger.
Men have sports dirty and clean. Some generation had a white Adidas Stan Smith because they went well with everything. We bad boys boots and shoes chosen by our mother we use at every wedding and christening somewhere. Somewhere inside there are worn Cobbler templates that have shaped our foot.
We all wear shoes and rain boots now called hunters. It is no longer splashes in puddles. Probably the ceremonial who lived in my house on Sunday morning, before going to Mass, when the bitumen and the brushes clothes hanger are pulled to shine, no longer exists. clothes hanger My mother chose shoes and my father, with a cloth, spread frosting on proper footwear. Uniform left him with a matte color. Then I got the left hand and right rubbed with a brush, brown or black, until bright enough. The paired clothes hanger left on the deck until the smell of reporting and when we were ready to go back to their lockers with a sheet of paper rolled inside to not lose the way. Only a couple that Sunday and we looked out into the street my father clothes hanger repeated to us that apart from having money to spend and money to teach, was very important to always have clean shoes.
The logic of the puppeteer
1 year ago
BBC ALT1040 readers digest Bps time Foreca Freshlook (a friend) Graphan, graphics de luxe Hipersonica JotDown (culture) Flower zucchini (recipes) The information clothes hanger (news) Links to OINK miniyo can not believe Trends 21 The inquirer (technology ) One day more. A disk (blog jazz and similar) clothes hanger wwwhatsnew (free resources)
2014 (146) December 2014 (7) November 2014 (15) October 2014 (19) September 2014 (16) August 2014 (8) July 2014 (10) June 2014 (18) May 2014 (11) April 2014 (10) March 2014 (8) People Sites. Site Fallin'Floyd The importance clothes hanger of a clean shoes 21% Selfish Gene and me. The man who sought answers. The (not pious) lie first kisses. Invasion of the mystics. Free to play. The big spoiled scam. February 2014 (13) January 2014 (11) 2013 (170) December 2013 (17) November 2013 (14) October 2013 (16) September 2013 (14) August 2013 (11) July 2013 (12) June 2013 (13) May 2013 (11) April 2013 (14) March 2013 (13) February 2013 (13) January 2013 (22) 2012 (276) December 2012 (19) November 2012 (20) October 2012 (22) September 2012 (23) August 2012 (16) July 2012 (21) June 2012 (23) May 2012 (30) April 2012 (25) December 2012 (24) February 2012 (25) January 2012 (28) 2011 (350) December 2011 (28) November 2011 (29) October 2011 (31) `

Sunday, December 14, 2014

These words belong to

"In the library of my people had no furniture for the catalog but, yes, the shoe boxes where we kept the chips were good quality. I still have two boxes; help me to remember that ours has always been a subsistence economy and that we are accustomed to seeking solutions in times of crisis. What is different childrens storage about this crisis is that besides economic identity is. "
"Until the popularization of internet we were accustomed to handle precarious situations between the certainties of our mission; professionals and users were driving us with some clichés established, not necessarily coincident, about what we could offer and receive from the library. "
"In the transition from analog to digital basics were altered ... The dematerialization of the book has changed our basic answers about what is and what is ..."
"Identity crisis and economic crisis affecting roles and services that are not as good as we thought; is not surprising that many people wonder about our role and that libraries feel threatened. "
"In a society hyper main incentive to keep going to the library will not be stored collection and discovery of information but the physical space, the possibility of access to the network and, above all, the human factor that helps us minimize infoxication. The key to this new space will have a future professional ... "
"When I compare this library before Google and ebooks with the current in search of an answer to the doubts that society has about our role invades me optimism. A look at the shoeboxes sharing childrens storage space with the smartphone and the tablet is sufficient to allay my fears. But how can anyone stand in doubt we could offer them and not rely on the services we can provide with these? "
These words belong to "Library, crisis and shoeboxes in the Internet childrens storage age: the librarian reaffirmed" an article childrens storage published in the journal Plot & Textures where I tell how I lived that period and what hope for the future. If you are motivated to lose a few minutes childrens storage you might be interested:-)
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Provides WOW Through Service. It embraces and promotes lock and lock Change Create Fun and Little E

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A brand with a great customer service that sells shoes casually
Zappos is the company that best represents the radical focus on Customer Experience through internal values and culture. Like other renowned companies worldwide fame as The Ritz-Carlton Hotels or ING Direct, Zappos has achieved excellent financial results through an unusual customer focus. His unique approach is based on a more informal style and great truest measure focused on living the culture and values of the company in the professional and personal activities of all employees; cheerful and spontaneous. Their culture lock and lock is its strength, so one of his most interesting maxims is that "happy employees create better customer service", so fun activities are promoted within lock and lock the company and outside it. Within the company, all kinds of joyful activities are promoted and "somewhat crazy" as parades, small or contests. What is Zappos? It is an online sales company founded in 1999 that sells annually more than 1,000 million in shoes and other items of clothing. Its real architect and inspiring is Tony Hseih in 2000, became Director General. Very soon realizes lock and lock that his purpose is to build the company lock and lock around the customer experience. "In 2003 we thought we were a shoe company that offered great customer lock and lock service lock and lock Today we think of Zappos as a brand with great service customer who sells shoes casually ". "Zappos is a brand with great customer service that sells shoes casually" So as we come this company to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction worldwide? Why an Internet company that does not sell its own products, or have an exclusive marketing channel has achieved such high worldwide reputation? For Tony Hsieh the main reason was to establish a culture and values that lead to great customer service. lock and lock ? It is our belief that if we build the right culture, the rest? Great customer service or business-lasting brand and will be a natural consequence? . The foundation of a culture Since its inception, Zappos seeks to create loyal consumers to your brand, not merely to make money or be the market leader. To achieve it, all employees are actively working on developing a cultural environment? where everyone feels part of the company and share in the success of the company. This shared passion for the company, was the force that kept the company afloat in the years following the bursting of the Internet bubble (2000-2003) and allowed to grow and mature lock and lock as billing company "Zappos want your employees understand they are the ones who build culture "Zappos want your employees understand that they are the ones who build culture and ensures that share the same culture at work. By asking workers their views on Zappos and collect them in a volume receiving all year (Culture Book), leaders help employees to redefine the ever-changing culture of Zappos. The creation of values A year later the creation of Book Culture 2005- 10 cultural values are set, albeit with some reservations Tony Hsieh who feared that this was a process too "corporate" and similar to large companies .
Provides WOW Through Service. It embraces and promotes lock and lock Change Create Fun and Little Eccentricity Be Adventurous, Creative and Open Mind Pursue Growth and Learning Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication Build a Positive Group and Family Spirit Do More with Less Be Passionate and Determined to Be Humble While a large majority of companies have developed lock and lock a set of values, far fewer actually guided by them in any area ratio of its employees. No other company has developed values like these. They are unique. Does anyone know a company that has created the value "Create Fun and a Little Eccentricity"? In the cultural world Zappos lock and lock this value is one of those who live m & a

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Make your own impressions: You can print your photos. The inkjet printers are best for photos, make

This new section is to rescue an article that we found interesting and mostly are in other languages. This time we chose an article in the class of Professor Anthony R. Curtis, Department of Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina, originally in English, is a topic that is controversial for all those who like photography, digital pote or film. DigitalVsFilm The original article is from 2005, so it is said by us updating our way.
Easy to get: You can enter stores worldwide and easily pote buy rolls. Will it change the availability in time? I can buy a digital memory card in all parts? Change?
Mechanical pote cameras do not require batteries: Want to trek across the tundra? Plans to bring a camera mechanical roll that does not need batteries or a pack of solar panels to recharge.
Body and Lens Note: There are even battery chargers Dynamo, but more efficient is to bring a mechanical camera and selenium photometer without batteries, we have the experience with a 1900 that still work.
Images are free: After purchasing a digital camera, accessories and batteries, the images are free. The cost of digital technology is high until you figure out the savings in film and processing.
Note Body and Lens: The revealed and later copies in laboratories are expensive and time consuming compared pote to the immediacy and free from a digital photo (Read the article Where reveal).
Instant response promotes better photos: The LCD screen digital pote camera lets you check the photos instantly. The ability to learn quickly from mistakes is a big plus.
The exact replicas of the originals are possible: You can store an exact copy of the original digital images in various places for safe storage. With film you only have a set of original negatives, which can be stored only in one location.
Body and Lens Note: If I lose my negative I lose my pictures, these things tend to happen. With the current technological context are multiple forms of storage for digital formats, from portable hard drives Clouds services.
Change speed at any time: Instead of carrying multiple cameras loaded with a variety of fast and slow films, you can change the speed of the digital camera according to the lighting conditions. ISO change at any time.
Copy only the best images, save money: Normally, it revealed an entire roll of film and their respective copies, not just good photos. Digitally prevents copying bad photos because the photographer pote can review the pictures before making copies, either on the LCD of the camera or on a computer.
Make your own impressions: You can print your photos. The inkjet printers are best for photos, make prints that can be rivals to copies made by process-based film with images pote not quickly fade. However, photographic inkjet printers and cartridges cost money.
Body and Lens Note: This also gives to talk tired, print qualities varies greatly between printers, ink types and substrates are also another factor. pote Same is easy to buy a printer midrange and place a system pote of continuous ink for now money buying pote cartridges. And now in retail stores that are developing digital transform everything for later printing, and revealed no chemicals in them.
Electronics is delicate: Digital cameras can break or fail without warning. Moreover, manual film cameras that are robust and reliable can also malfunction or break.
Body and Lens Note: It all depends on how carefully our cameras, but the materiality of bodies in mechanical cameras is superior without hesitation, in a present time when everything's made to last long.
Slowdown timer: When preparing for an exhibition digital camera, the shutter pote button is pressed halfway. Then, to release the shutter and take the picture, press the button down. Some models have a significant delay between the moment your finger pressing pote the release pote button pote and when the exposure is made.
Digital photos stored differently: The organization of files is an important habit to develop. While photo prints and film negatives can be kept in a shoebox, digital images are stored on disks, CDs or DVDs. Order a catalog miniature half of almac

Thursday, December 4, 2014

January 18, 2011 at 14:03

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January 18, 2011 at 14:03
"Old water" I actually think is a fancy phrase. Especially if you're trying to figure out what 'new water' should be.
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September 11 (2) 30 day journal project (12) 50books (51) Aaf Brandt Corstius (1) earth (1) aborigi

ONLINE COURSES Course Hero Journey course Heldinne's Journey I course Heldinne's Journey II course 100 Pitfalls course Be Spring course The Artist's fly lady Way e-books WRITE COACHING write coaching thesis supervision ghostwriting read report fly lady writing in English script editor COURSES ON LOCATION course Hero Journey course 100 Pitfalls course The Artist's Way course Heldinne's Journey I course Heldinne's fly lady Journey II Family History WORKSHOPS general information topics INSPIRATION plumes what is the hero's journey? newsletters writing tips in the press write gift links CONTACT Contact About Hella BLOG
A first consultation of the writing coach normally costs 82.50. Throughout the month of December for 50 you can buy a gift for writing such a consultation, fly lady which can be exchanged between January 1 2015 and 1 December 2015. Facebook
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Anna's Reading Journey A triangular fly lady relationship exposure time, the house of my mother Bettina writes Russian Ark (2002) book mouthfuls fly lady Best Books 2014 lijstjesmakerij (Part I) Boterdiep 117 End of Year Show 2014 finally Rick Touched by life and death Ferrara Unlike Gerwin van der Werf 'Buierader (Column Wedding 26 Nov) HMACoaching One point Horn in strong terms the end of the Telephone Emergency Service Janneke Heimweg Writes say a hi! discovery Why I love them so much? meet in words and pictures colorful (3) - Poland magazines Reporting 7. Dam quis Leget haec? Rothko intercalary Lichtjesavond 2014 Crooswijk Cemetery tea aunt in the book world Puzzle Spinoza faithful writers Hup Holland Hup tags
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

You can even set up a WMS server and output as styling as you want. The administrative boundaries a

var layer = new municipal OpenLayers.Layer.WMS ("Municipal boundaries", "" {layers: "gemeenten_2012" format "image / png" transparent: true} , {singleTile: false, buffer 0, isBaseLayer: false, visibility: true, opacity: 0.5, displayInLayerSwitcher: false}); map.addLayer (municipal layer);
style: {fillColor "darkred" stroke color: "red", stroke width: 2 strokeOpacity: 0.5, external graphic: "img / 008.png" graphic width: 12 graphic height: 12 point range: etage 12 Cursor: "pointer" ,}
Ha Allrouds, Thanks for the suggestion. But unfortunately it does not work. The WMS server does not respond to these options. It is not a vector layer, but a tile layer. Maybe there are smarter ways to project the municipal boundaries on a map? Not through the OPOC WMS service?
You do know always make beautiful cards! What you do, I have also tried: get inside the municipal through the overpass api. But that presented etage a problem: I got 25 MB of data inside for only Gelderland.[name~"Aalten|Apeldoorn|Arnhem|Barneveld|Berkelland|Beuningen|Bronckhorst|Brummen|Buren|Culemborg|Doesburg|Doetinchem|Druten|Duiven|Ede|Elburg|Epe|Ermelo|Geldermalsen|Groesbeek|Harderwijk|Hattem|Heerde|Heumen|Lingewaal|Lingewaard|Lochem|Maasdriel|Millingen|Montferland|Neder-Betuwe|Neerijnen|Nijkerk|Nijmegen|Nunspeet|Oldebroek|Oost|Oude|Overbetuwe|Putten|Renkum|Rheden|Rijnwaarden|Rozendaal|Scherpenzeel|Tiel|Ubbergen|Voorst|Wageningen|West|Westervoort|Wijchen|Winterswijk|Zaltbommel|Zevenaar|Zutphen"][admin_level=8];>;);out+skel;
Re: formatting OPOC WMS administrative boundaries
The advantage of the overpass api is that I only need one time to load; WMS server continues to send at any zoom level tiles. The WMS server is not very fast, though. The amount of vector data from OSM is very much more than the WMS tiles.
var url = "[name~'Aalten|Apeldoorn|Arnhem|Barneveld|Berkelland|Beuningen|Bronckhorst|Brummen|Buren|Culemborg|Doesburg|Doetinchem|Druten|Duiven|Ede|Elburg|Epe|Ermelo|Geldermalsen|Groesbeek|Harderwijk|Hattem|Heerde|Heumen|Lingewaal|Lingewaard|Lochem|Maasdriel|Millingen|Montferland|Neder-Betuwe|Neerijnen|Nijkerk|Nijmegen|Nunspeet|Oldebroek|Oost|Oude|Overbetuwe|Putten|Renkum|Rheden|Rijnwaarden|Rozendaal|Scherpenzeel|Tiel|Ubbergen|Voorst|Wageningen|West|Westervoort|Wijchen|Winterswijk|Zaltbommel|Zevenaar|Zutphen'][admin_level=8](51.7,5.09,52.47,6.68);way(r);node(w););out+skel;";
You can even set up a WMS server and output as styling as you want. The administrative boundaries are part of the TOP10NL (and exists as TOPgrenzen-product), with which you NLExtract in a PostGIS database loaded. With MapServer can offer data than through WFS and / or WMS services. For a bit of performance you want to have the WMS service etage caching with something like MapCache or TileCache.
Sebastic: your last suggestion I tried. Unfortunately, the WFS server provides all kinds of error messages back. No idea what the server wants from me. The documentation of the WFS service is nil. Grr. No examples. I have therefore but what mustered:
var layer = new municipal OpenLayers.Layer.Vector ("Municipal boundaries", {strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX ()], StyleMap: gemeenteGrenzenStyleMap, protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS ({version: "1.1.0" url: "" request "GetFeature" feature type "administrative boundaries: gemeenten_2012" srsName "EPSG: 28992" featureNS "http: //bestuurlijkegrenzen.geonovum .com "geometryName 'geometry'})}); map.addLayer etage (municipal layer);
<Ows <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>: Exception Report version = "2.0.0" xsi: schemaLocation = " http: // "xmlns: ows =" "xmlns: xsi =" http: //www.w3. org / 2001 / XMLSCHEMA instance "> <ows: Exception Exception code =" Missing Parameter Value "locator =" request "> <ows: Exception Text> Could not determining geoserver request from http request org.geoserver.platform.AdvancedDispatchFilter$AdvancedDispatchHttpRequest@1c24c126</ows:ExceptionText> </ Ows: Exception> </ ows: Exception Report>
wfs_layers [key] [i] = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector (layer_name, {strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX ()] protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS ({version: "1.0.0", srsName "EPSG: 28992", url: "' featureP