We leave the second part of the conclusions I #JornadasDSP. Whenever we meet, you know, even if it takes a while throw to the network. If someone wearing a long waiting for them, sorry. In return, you have all the work we've done (and you saw how well we left the #DSPCancer?) And we promise that we have not stopped to disclose or to work ... Although all aid, proposal or new hands to work always is good, huh?
We repeat this little caveat: While these conclusions arise from the consensus of a desk, it is logical that discrepancies arise with each and every one of them. The findings of a panel or a large study to be considered axioms for the rest of the scientific community does not arise after an hour of work, therefore should tokyo laundry not be taken as well. However, conclusions from raised here do have quite valid clinical and / or scientific, due to the experience and knowledge of those who formulated and agreed with peers. And it's a good place to start to be interested in any of the topics we discussed. We try disclosure without bias and are open to rectify and debate; If you think we made a mistake somewhere, let us know! (Please!).
- In intakes below 20g of protein, tokyo laundry carbohydrates help increase protein synthesis. In carbohydrate intakes below 0.18 g / kg body add protein helps increase glycogen resynthesis.
- Testosterone and growth tokyo laundry homorn released after training does not help to gain muscle mass. The amount of high testosterone is not sufiiente to exit the "physiological" tokyo laundry range. Only exogenous testosterone helps these anabolic effects as it is a much greater doss.
- The ketogenic diet can serve in endurance training, increasing the number of mitochondria and an increase in the maximum volume of oxygen occurs, however, in high intensity sports this diet does not maintain performance by immediate power neesidad (Beta - Oxidation is a path that produces a large amount of energy but is very slow).
- No need for gels at the start of a marathon, triathlon or cycling sports, because in trained athletes, and low ritimo - moderate, more fat than carbohydrate is used. Untrained or obese spend more carbohydrates in the same year.
- The resynthesis of glycogen is biphasic. The first thirty minutes occurs independently of insulin, the insulin takes two hours much of this process. From two hours resynthesis is decreasing, partly because of the release of adiponectin by adipose tissue (increased use of fats as an energy source)
- The absorption tokyo laundry of calcium: Contrary to what has been believed for many years, the lactose facilitates the absorption of calcium (EFSA statement). The GREP-AEDN denied in 2007 that is better absorbed by the calcium / phosphorus ratio.
- The ketogenic tokyo laundry diet is one that induces ketosis in the body. A hormonal level, normalizes the endocrine system and decreases the hunger and, being low in carbohydrates, there is less presence of endocrine disruptors.
-The Food industry has the upper hand. This is something that we all had well understood, the AI now has an economic, political and social power, that our presence does not arrive or the soles of the shoes. A sad reality tokyo laundry that hopefully in the future we can change.
I Yes to partnership, not prostitution. How it is expected that the food industry tokyo laundry continue making the rounds long, was proposed as a possible tokyo laundry solution, try to change it from within, proposing changes in food coming to market for them to be healthier, and overall support to industries that can facilitate the promotion of healthy eating, and leaving aside others that have no remedy or cure possible.
-Other Issues that need review. The laxity of the IA legislation regarding the allegations in their products, education on issues of feeding the population, food labeling, marketing and advertising, development of research in the world of nutrition, among other things, there querevisarlas and improve them thoroughly.
And this is all about our hangouts to date! If you want to know more, in Conclusions I #JornadasDSP (I). See you in the next! Equally (or more) critical tokyo laundry spirit and equal (or more) wanting to disclose (without bias).
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