Greenish color to drive transport, broken line or dotted line, here are additional provisions. "If, then". Reddish color "unable to drive transport, broken dashed or dotted line, here are additional provisions." If, then ".
Indeed a nice card Allroads. lazzari There is very much so I certainly lazzari have not seen anything yet but I think it's a nice initiative. What exactly is your goal for this card. Not that I see hear no application ... but I'm just curious.
@ Escada. I assume you mean by Peewee's cycling lazzari map BTM. Although I do have ushered have mn and North recumbent bike done so much for Peewee's cycling map is too much honor.
A true techie I am not but it comes down to is that with an overpass query data can recall from the OSM server and show them on a map. If the files you download from the BTM and then especially the file layerdef.js viewing then you see the relationship between the checking items and pass on the query back there.
make_layer (QURL + "?data=(way[highway=cycleway](bbox);node(w);way[highway~'path$|^footway$'][bicycle=designated](bbox);node(w););out+skel;", "Red" name = "# l # highway = cycleway", 3, false, '@ 1.0 ") //Bromfiets/Fietpaden/Onverpl.fietspaden make_layer (QURL +"? Data = (way [highway = cycleway] lazzari [ moped ~ '^ Designated $ | $ ^ yes'] (bbox) node (w)), out + skel; "," # 7b006a "name =" # l # cycleway, moped = yes ", 4 false ) make_layer (QURL + "data = (way [highway = cycleway] [moped = no] (bbox)? node (w)), out + skel;", "# 00FFFF" name = "# dl # moped cycleway lazzari = no ", 3, false," 6 10 ") make_layer (QURL +" data = (way [highway = cycleway] [mofa = no] (bbox)? node (w)), out + skel ; "," # 00FFFF "name =" # l # cycleway mofa = no ", 3, false)
Thanks for the info Peewee. I thought it was going through Overpass (seen some questions Alroads about that topic). Nice that you have a server where an extra "framework" stand up so you can build a user interface based on Overpass. lazzari
Thanks for the info Peewee. I thought lazzari it was going through Overpass (seen some questions Alroads about that topic). Nice that you have a server where an extra "framework" lazzari stand up so you can build a user interface based on Overpass.
In which case it need not be so difficult to make something similar. A framework is not necessary. You can also just run everything locally without special installation. I have posted a zip file here with all the files needed for this card. If this turns out and then especially look at the files layerdef.js traffic_sign.htm and then you will be a lot more clearly. With some minor adjustments lazzari you want to show you as a card with the data. I've also put a WMS layer. (TOP10NL) so that you (or a Belgian counterpart) can show. When you're done editing your result on a server somewhere places than we can all enjoy. lazzari Success.
I see just only you "more" button with an explanation of why. Clear story. Will more attention to that tractor signs Nice option "Clear layers / select layers" At first I had not realized what it had to do. I would "check all / uncheck all" of it. The "note: device need some time to render layers" I would turn into "Note: checked items need some time to show on the map" or something like that. When a device I'd rather think of a device and render the term is not known to everyone.
Thank Peewee!
This know also, you should inquire as Belgian but go once. I like EN there have no belgian iD and thus can not get the data. Which you can retrieve. Am very intrested in belgian WMS layer traffic.
In MtM card, the top layer tab consists only of int. equal OpenStreetMap data tags. So use worldwide. So also for Belgium. the second is more specific tablaag NL data, such as the road signs NL: C09, WMS layer, here they are brought forward for the control would, therefore, be able to hang under a third tab BE layer. With BE signs.
Allroads, yes that file with road I know well. Unfortunately, the license was enough quite restrictive when I looked the last time. I have reported this to someone who is fighting for more open data, but I have not heard from since.
Yes I have. I just got a copy of the files from the traffic_sign card. I also recognized that in the MAX_SPEED. The horse card I not done that yet. It still comes as there is interest.
Does anyone know if it is smart to just always use these Russian server? Or is there mi
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