Saturday, December 20, 2014

I edited some fascist sterilite storage entries with the author of this biography we

Eduardo sterilite storage De Robertis - Taringa!
I edited some fascist sterilite storage entries with the author of this biography we "delight". sterilite storage Despite the ideological chasms that separate me from Dr. Eduardo De Robertis, I can not fail to recognize their immense importance in medicine, and behold a well deserved tribute to this outstanding Argentine scientist at which the "prize" Nobel was I denied .
Eduardo De Robertis A child and the family sterilite storage life of a man is to himself and his society. This is the case of Eduardo De Robertis who, guided and supported by their parents and teachers, honored him with the fruit of labor. As a boy helped mother to line tacos shoe, that way, working with the husband to the household. Now a little older accompanied his father to the shoe factory in arming and sewed shoes soles: "I liked the guy to go to the factory where my father was on Saturday afternoons, sometimes on Sundays, to clean machines , aceitarlas and keep them in working order during the week. And then I liked to get in there with a bench and try to help me too to clean ". That child was Eduardo De Robertis, born in Buenos Aires on December sterilite storage 11, 1913, two Italian immigrants who had formed family in that city in 1912. When Edward started elementary school, teachers warned their intellectual quality. The father and mother should keep the family putting personal projects, when they learned sterilite storage of the capacity of the child, drove with their own wills of triumph: "The concern of my parents sterilite storage has always been that I could continue sterilite storage studying." Completed primary, and since the school opened the way to college, Eduardo De Robertis began his secondary education at the National "Mariano Moreno" College Rivadavia sterilite storage Avenue. Although the economic situation of the family had not improved much, Eduardo could concentrate sterilite storage on studies because, as always remember: "My sisters worked to help me study." From the third year, Eduardo prepared thoroughly, the entrance exam to the faculty doing their own summaries of academic texts: "I always went ahead a little sterilite storage at a time to my studies." Thus, after graduating from high school brilliantly, the entrance examination, she feared, found it very easy and, in February 1932, Eduardo entered the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. "A spiritual father" In the first year of college, De Robertis closely followed the classes taught histology Pedro Rojas (1887-1941). After passing the subject sterilite storage with distinction, Eduardo asked the teacher an assistant stand. Rojas said, "I would propose the same." And tuteándolo filial, he added: "Well, from now on you'll be my personal assistant at the chair". This meeting sealed the scientific career of De Robertis, who, in April 1933, began as a Research Assistant honorary "Being batman Pedro Rojas meant I had to get to school very much because I read all the books that told me and had to make summaries and also the Slideshow corresponding to each class. Practically had to study alongside him to give classes. " Once, Eduardo suffered the grievous sterilite storage service of this learning and dropped the research microscope Rojas who had asked to be transported from one table to another. "But he said nothing very hurtful And at the end of the day told me if Teatro Colón wanted to go because I had a ticket. It was a way to alleviate all that was suffering at the time. I think it was an example of how to treat young people when they make some mistakes sometimes that is not voluntary. " Rojas, who used to remind students that their ancestors had come to this land with the Spanish sterilite storage conquistador Juan de Garay, sterilite storage was Director and full-time Professor of the Institute of Comparative Anatomy General and Embryological located next to the Institute of Physiology, directed by Bernardo A . Houssay who was a close friend. In 1934, the scientific initiation Eduardo was a little confusing when, for display and using Rojas, wrote a harsh critique of an article on the development of the embryo published in The Medical sterilite storage Week. Following the publication sterilite storage of the review, two people were presented at the Institute representing the outraged author to challenge him to a duel. Then said the Red professor whose authority prevented, in that even barbaric society, a better shooter eliminate this nascent scientific "son of his spirit." During those years, De Robertis worked hard. At the same time doing a job almost

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