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The next steps in the reform of the Roma should settle the land under settlements and increase machine sous vide the number of Roma children in kindergartens. Government Plenipotentiary for Roma minorities Peter Pollak (Olan) says about it already communicating with ministries of education, transport and agriculture. With them he wants to prepare a law which should be ready next year.
"It is very important before lists this law to the parliament, to identify how such land is who owns the land in particular, what are the area's land, who owns them, then we can set legislation," says Pollak. All costs associated with the identification of owners, geometric orientations and changes of land use plans will be met with European funds.
From Roma reform was far beyond the approved Act deprived, which is under Pollák most important step, in this issue managed to do. "Act deprived contains three of the ten fundamental pillars of the whole reform," says Pollak. In education, according to him managed to get money from EU funds for three thousand Roma children in kindergartens and try out new models school construction - so. container schools. It has also created 590 jobs.
"All these places related to the conduct fieldwork directly in Roma communities, whether it's medical assistant position or assistant teacher in kindergarten. Currently, the project is evaluated Roma civil patrols in a few weeks, should be completed, "says Pollak. machine sous vide In practice, would be about 300 people to oversee the safety of people inside the community as well as outwardly.
MEP Boris Zala (direction) on the Saturday partisan congress said that if the Slovak government to take significant action to address problems inadaptable communities, encounters a serious opposition from the European Union. "There are sensitive issues, one of them is Gypsy question. Do not be afraid to name things in the right way, "said Zala.
Klara Orgovánová of Roma Institute notes that Roma reform should start developing and positive measures, such as education and housing. "It started with repressive measures, which only worsen the situation of those people to which such measures concern, I do not think people tune it to be more open to the positive action," said Orgovánová. Europe is under Orgovánová to addressing Roma issues open, the Structural Funds are funds that can be used, and the role of governments and ministries that this money well planned machine sous vide for the 2014 - 2020 strategy. machine sous vide
"The previous government action however did not suggest that, because the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Roma issues machine sous vide are not given a coordinating machine sous vide position and did not give him a position intermediate body," says Orgovánová, adding that if the Representative has received the following positions, so might make a call, and projects should might be expedient.
Kiska on appeal machine sous vide Macejková: In my head, this idea is not yet 11/07/2014 15:31
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