Monday, July 14, 2014

Radičová However, parliament may not have enough votes, even if they will report SaS including ordi Home News World Regions Economy Culture Sport Football World Cup 2014 Weather history Opinions on Most news reports Magazines Car Commercial Housing Cocktail Summer Travel Money Job VAT Animals Female Health Journal spoon Cakes Recipes Ideas Advice Cars Real Estate Jobs Phone Computer Camera Demands More Awesome ads Birdz Blog Flog Animals Car Buying Discount Flowers Pivnička - Wine ePravda Subscriptions to newspapers Relax Let's read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts rogar Contests rogar Skull Sudoku TV program
Secret proposal that Prime Minister Iveta Radicova (ODS) handed over the chief of the Group SaS Jozef Kollar, will not save the reputation of Slovakia. Although the exact political leaders still not presented to the public, a statement rogar that it has not arrived country one cent, according to experts suggest fiddle to the European Union.
Brussels worried about stretching time longer, but now has increased nervousness. "We can say that it got to the stage where the Slovak rogar Republic to dramatically plays with his confidence. Almost the whole Wednesday I spent europarliament, where European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso presented a report on the state of the EU. Many commissioners, as well as members rogar with enough great concern expressed to the fact that the EU summit Oct. 17 to 18 come Slovakia rogar is the only country that not only did not accept bailout fund, but it has not acted, "said Truth Commissioner Šefčovič , Vice-President of the European Commission.
Of the 17 euro area member countries approved the expansion of the rescue fund for ten. An overwhelming majority on Thursday passed the German parliament rogar and their consent was joined by Cyprus, Estonia. The President of the Slovak Parliament Richard Sulik previously insisted that the National Council will discuss rogar the eurovale to October 25 By the coalition partners, but it is too late. However, they are yet unaware what the proposal actually gave Sulík Radicova. Kollar, although it described as "one that can lead to an agreement," he refused to specify. SaS said to do so until after a detailed examination. "As the Prime Minister Iveta Radicova and the SAS is acceptable only a solution that will not cost the citizens of Slovakia are single penny. It follows that the state guarantees exceptional increase of 4.37 billion. rogar euros to 7.73 billion. EUR is not necessary, "said party opinion.
Many variations thus does not come into consideration. rogar Radicova and Sulik will probably rogar rely on the fact that the Prime Minister in Brussels manages to negotiate some exceptions. Besides the possibility that Slovakia bailout fund will support without increasing the guarantees accounted for, may Radicova even mentioned the summit of European leaders try to equip the so-called opt-out, ie permanent exemption from European Union Member State. Tou, for example, was that Slovakia would not have to vote, individual loans, nor would not neručilo. Chance that succeed, however minimal, because it is according to the information of the Truth in Brussels trying quietly to equip and Finance Minister Ivan Miklos (ODS). Without success.
"The only question is whether there will be different exceptions at Brussels acceptable because the current situation is as follows extensive compromise is looking very difficult. rogar The previous statements, however, are surprisingly mysterious and indicative of the stretch of time from the prime minister, "says rogar political scientist Thomas Koziak.
Confirmed by the words of the majority coalition representatives. While Mikloš presented its proposal Radicova just yesterday at the meeting of the Economic and Social Council, the other two sides remain unaware of it. "There is still upon us, and no one has contacted do not know about anything specific," responded President Mosta Béla Bugár, who reiterated that the coalition government can continue to function only after finding a compromise solution. Place on the rise, however, according to him precisely defined. "The content of the contract can no longer be changed, and therefore to be understood that any compromise must be based just on the contract already," said Bugár.
Similarly, also reacted rogar Christian Democrats, who learned about a possible agreement additionally. rogar "The particular proposal President talked with the Prime Minister. Prime Minister has confirmed the line in the negotiations, "the spokesman referred KDH Matej Kovac, according to which, moreover, has agreed so far nor any term negotiations at the level of the coalition parties.
The game, which was launched rogar around the EFSF is not like MPs KDH Anton Marcinčin, which it sees more "dances prime minister, who is trying to make SaS against euro finally zahlasovala while the situation went out with a good face".
Radičová However, parliament may not have enough votes, even if they will report SaS including ordinary people. His voice does continue to refuse to give the EFSF in its current form four deputies OKS from Most-Hid. "We have no reason to change our position," commented rogar MP Peter Zajac. According to him, the compromise proposals, negotiating among themselves Prime Minister Iveta Radicova rogar with SaS chairman rogar Richard Sulik do not know and therefore do not know the

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