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Report on the State of Education, which will be discussed on Tuesday Parliament tupperware online school committee, teachers disappointed. The greatest Teachers' unions most surprised that the final version of the report lacks a clear commitment that the government will increase funding to education annually by 0.3% of GDP, or around 200 million tupperware online euros.
In support of this requirement convened on Tuesday before tupperware online parliament meeting at which it is expected tupperware online the participation of around three thousand teachers from all over Slovakia. Teachers who stay in school, recommend pinning a yellow Stuska. Part of the teachers who organized last year's tupperware online relay strike, decided on Tuesday to five minutes to stay teaching. "There's a hint that the only solution is a strike," said Vlado Crmoman of the United Novohradská school in Bratislava, one of the organizers of last year's relay strike.
You are not disappointed with the mild form of protest? Disappointment I lived back in January, when we met with the leadership of the largest tupperware online educational fields. What are going to do is something like we did in November, but comes five months later. And I think that's already gone through. tupperware online
To rally in front of parliament will not go? No. An effect that would be in November, now the situation is different. Must be addressed, especially as it would be able to connect teachers. This meeting will not solve anything. Teachers can stop traffic for a while, the government tupperware online will take note of it and that's it. Useless it will not force it.
You will then organize another event? We invented the action five minutes and 12 for five minutes to symbolically he interrupted his teaching. Is there any indication that the strike is the only solution. We sent out to other teachers and many responded enthusiastically. But I have no idea how many have to be involved.
Why came out last year's strike tupperware online teachers the lost? Large unions in 20 years built up a system of the strike fund for teachers at all able to go on strike. And that was the basis for the fiasco. Organized a strike declared, but the realization hit the wallets of teachers who nevertheless were willing to remain on strike. His interruption of many teachers tupperware online is experienced tupperware online as a betrayal. Then you could feel deployment, I've never been in education felt. And I'm doing in education since 2000. People were the links between schools communicate tupperware online with colleagues, spontaneously met. Now they are disappointed because they tried very hard, waiting for the unions to do something and they go after their line.
Štrajková mood among teachers passed? Must be familiar with the situation in education. We are, for example, democratic school, where the teacher can say what they think and can talk openly with the director. But not everywhere so it works. I know that according to our campaign we conduct. The government argues that there is no money, so it will help to find their teachers. And in addition to this campaign was confronted with that when you hear from teachers, they go for the jugular. People are afraid that they are released or withdraw their school. They are afraid of something organized. tupperware online Especially in poor regions, but also in towns where everyone knows everyone. And there are also people who report on the state of education in not addressing. Although there is a group of active teachers, which can be heard, fighting and trying. But a large group of people is very difficult to organize. It should be a union, but do not work as they should. But many teachers write on social networks, they are disgusted and understand that the only solution is a sharp strike. Best through school.
Parents should not be excited about. As the union government really trying to force something if the chairman is not recommended to go on strike, because that would be suffered by pupils? Teachers to take your hands from the main card. That is absurd. How then can declare a strike in the future? When denies its meaning?
There is also a proposal from among the new school disciplines to one day strike on September 2 Is not it more acceptable term? I welcome the suggestion and support. I think the chances are that teachers started the school year. And actually, this can be organized. Everyone is now focused on school, admissions. In early September, it is much easier to start a strike.
Do you think that the strike should support public? Parents often realize that with education tupperware online is not all right and I believe that would support us, because tupperware online this is about their children. Last year we in the peak stage relay strike felt very strong support.
Even so, however, critics have found. It is a matter of temperament tupperware online Slovakia. If someone wants something, he automatically envious and start shouting - We also are in a bad way. P
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