Friday, February 6, 2015


Food mole flour and other bulk foods, wardrobe mole liquidate our clothes and linens, as well as drapes and other fabrics. The problem is that quite subtly, and if you do not notice subtle flying flies and neglect hang tag prevention of controlling them, we can not wait nuisance. For example, holes in wool dress.
Food Piers (this is mostly zavíjač mealy) passes from the egg stage to stage through butterfly caterpillar stage, which is onymy pests in our stock in the pantry. We find easily that it is present - in the flour we see clumps of fibers, the fine web, affixed to the beads of food, such as flour. Looks like coconut, cookies are fragmented. Also, muesli or dried fruit looks like disgusting.
Food moths often will bring Store in a bag of flour, rice, for example, but also spices; can be dangerous and breadcrumbs. And if we did not bring them out of business, they came to us from elsewhere. Zavíjače can spread rapidly, for example, in blocks of flats, where it is also fighting them harder than in an isolated family house. There may climb core housing, ventilation, along pipes and various joints. In old houses traveling again skylights and bay. For food mole true prevention
Bulk food brought from the store, where they do not at first sight zavíjače not see Přesypem through the sieve into a well-sealable jars best with snap closure. Never let the flour, meal or bread crumbs in original bags open just on the shelf in the pantry! Food continuously reviewed to wipe the dust on the shelves, affected food immediately liquidate and packaging (cans) from them perfectly hang tag vymyjeme. Sacks of flour after each broadcast with as soon as possible to take away container. Inventory in closet
Wardrobes moths do not like drafts - and that's just what you paid for them. Ventilated, open cabinets, from time to time shake out clothes. The contested (prehryzené) clothing must be discarded. The rest ventilate hang tag must wash, clean and thoroughly purged. What apparently hang tag works well as prevention, is freeze moths. Once a quarter to half a year just put woolen clothes, sweaters, jackets freezer - just an hour. Traditional practices
Some users swear by the small textile bag in which sutured little washing powder or grated soap and placed in a dresser. The kitchen and pantry moth is still presented in breathable bags hung dried lemon peel and pepper. And to help terms chemistry
And then there are the various industrially hang tag manufactured products: all kinds of tablets against moth, traps, hooks for hanging in the closet. And also as gel bags, in addition to wardrobe moths and mites Hubie simultaneously. Spray works for controlling adult moths closet, hang tag but their larvae.
Inconvenience older remedies against moth used to them smell. Our grandfathers if you want to have clothes from moths overripe, we smell. Known to have large white round tablets, whose main ingredient was naphthalene. Instead of naphthalene is now used p-dichlorobenzene.
Sticky traps often contain insecticides - that is, substances for killing insects, but "lákaciu" folder hang tag and the adhesive layer. Catcher in cabinets, pantry, pantry and other spaces containing the male moths quite irresistible attractant substances which are pheromones (substances produced by the body that play a role in the communication between individuals of the same species). hang tag When the mole closer, caught in the sticky part of the trap and their journey through our wardrobes and food ends.
ASSA ABLOY Czech & Slovakia, sro

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