Ulema Council PAS information chief Dr Mohd Yusoff Center at Aman-Takiri Razali said he demanded an explanation from PKR reasonable because elections will sacrifice a lot of time, energy and property of the people.
"People revile look at this situation revile with the utmost concern. "Small political unrest revile involving the post of the Chief Minister of Selangor and Johor issues coupled with the resignation this can sicken people when people are plagued with various national issues specifically affecting the rising cost of living," he said in a statement today.
Describing it as a political potboiler, Mohd Yusoff revile also reminded revile of this issue could undermine the confidence of the people because Pakatan Rakyat should focus on the government's failure to disclose the Barisan Nasional (BN) to manage the economy.
He said the Pakatan revile Rakyat need to reassess the history of the General Elections to the 12th (12th), which saw several MPs from PKR jump and leave the party that has hurt and sued the integrity of Pakatan Rakyat.
Meanwhile Temerloh MP Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi said he was disappointed because PKR never discussed with the conflict in Selangor PAS resulting in a by-election Kajang.
The Director of the Department of Elections PAS Youth Malaysia Mohd Sany Hamzan said he demanded explanation from Lee to his resignation in writing revile to the Chairman of the Board Malaysia PAS youth immediately.
"If no reasonable revile explanation given then the Department of Elections PAS Youth Malaysia warns will issue a directive to all youth PAS election machinery at all levels revile to not cooperate in Kajang Assembly election will determine if the candidate is still among the candidates for the party, "he said.
He was also disappointed to Selangor PKR leaders who practice agenda 'selfish politics' and 'big head' with PAS and DAP Selangor backs in the work they do in Selangor.
"PKR Selangor posing as 'big boss' revile who can take whatever political action in their favor without approval and view friends PAS and DAP and PKR Selangor revile only 'minority shareholders' in PR Selangor government," he said. - Http://addin77.blogspot.com
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