Saturday, February 14, 2015

The new regulation is to provide the consumer not only clear and consistent information about food,

European Parliament shoe stretcher Information shoe stretcher Office implemented in September and October the project "The European Parliament is coming to you", which aimed to introduce the people of Slovakia for a new regulation on the labeling of food packaging, but also pointed out that the EP affects the daily lives of citizens.
The project culminated on 25 - 27.10. Nitra series of events - public forum for citizens, workshops and press conferences, involving a number of experts from among food manufacturers and traders, representatives of consumer associations, as well as citizens and students.
Events attended a German MEP and EP rapporteur on food labeling Renate Sommer, were also present shoe stretcher MEPs Anna Záborská and Miroslav Mikolášik, director Robert IKEP Hajšel and experts from the Ministry of Agriculture, State Veterinary and Food Administration, Food Chamber of Slovakia, shoe stretcher the Office of Public Health and the Association of Slovak consumers.
If you manage to approve new legislation, Slovakia (along with all EU Member States) will have to adopt a new law setting precise and specific regulation which information will be compulsorily displayed on the packaging of food products.
Parliament Information Office in Slovakia evaluated the technical seminar results of a survey carried out in September 2010, the Agency Focus on a representative shoe stretcher sample of 1,040 respondents, according to which 27% of respondents track information on food labels regularly and 78% of respondents read information on food labels at least occasionally.
R. Sommer stressed the that legibility is closely linked to the visibility and need to be considered and font, color, hue and contrast with the packaging of the product and also to determine which information on the packaging should be kept in sight of the consumer. Important data that should appear on the packaging of food in sufficient visibility should be 'date and date of manufacture.
MEPs and experts are not yet share the view that the packaging of the products should be compulsory for information such as fat, sugar, salt and saturated fatty acids. Part of the nutritional value of the product should include information on allergens, shoe stretcher dyes, flavorings, preservatives and authenticity of the product.
Placing energy values of the product should be required under the new law and should be given per 100 grams or 100 milliliters. A new feature is the uniform implementation of the calories because they are easier to understand consumer joules.
Scouting in Slovakia has shown that people are interested in the traffic light labeling, but MEPs are in favor of the opposite. According to R. Sommer could lead traffic light food labeling, for example, a situation where the red marked 100% fruit juice because of the high sugar content, but for example Coca Cola would be for low sugar green label, shoe stretcher which in this case would mislead because speak the addition of a dye and preservative sweetener.
The recommended daily dose is also problematic shoe stretcher figure, shoe stretcher because talking shoe stretcher about adult daily dose 40-year-old woman and is provided for children, seniors and consumers with health problems, shoe stretcher not to mention that the concepts of dose or serving are not well defined.
Proponents argue indication of the country of origin of the consumer's right to know where the product comes from buying or consuming the respondents oppose protectionism, which may adversely affect the producers of some countries. This group promotes the country of origin - made in Europe and manufactured outside the EU.
In a society in which there are an increasing percentage of the population affected by cardiovascular disease, obesity or allergies, it is more important to know the composition of what we eat. The new regulation on food labeling is to make useful information to help consumers more easily navigate through what to buy and which therefore also affects his health.
The new regulation is to provide the consumer not only clear and consistent information about food, but also allow him to freely decide shoe stretcher which products will prevail. At the same time should take into account the costs and options manufacturer and produce uniform legislation that will be fair to the consumer and the producer. shoe stretcher
One of the challenges of the new law, however, the consequences of this regulation in the form of an increase in the prices of products that impact on the consumer side and the cost to producers. More information on product packaging, content analyzes and analyzes of the nutritional values are not a cheap item. To seminar therefore sounded question whether they will be able to small and medium-sized shoe stretcher producers continue to produce the same amount and whether consumers will be able to afford products with such a jacket buy.
Another shoe stretcher shortcoming is also the focus of the new regulations on the labeling of packaging for the average consumer, which again does not solve the problem of labeling foods for diabetics, allergies, etc., That the consumer group for which it may be even

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