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As food will have on the packaging nutrition labeling, consumers will not know the content of what they consume and will not be able to defend undue salt intake and saturated fats, which leads to cardiovascular disease, says Director European Heart Network itso (EHN) Susanne Løgstrupová.
European Heart Network itso supports the concept that nutrition labeling eight major nutrients mandatory part of the back cover food and mandatory part of the front turn fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt and energy (including the rate at which they are located on the product). The food industry is in the system recommended daily amount (GDA). Within him cover indicate the recommended daily nutritional and energy itso dose for humans and the percentages of the various content components of the product.
Health and consumer organizations argue that people do not understand such codes and the need clearly, the best color-coded itso markings. "We have to inform people in a way which its means. It is not good to give them information as they can not be used. It has almost the same effect as if we could not find any, "says Løgstrupová.
MEPs today approved the first reading of a regulation requiring that labels on food packages include required information about the nutritional value of products and their recommended level of daily consumption. Rejected, the proposal called for. 'Traffic light labeling ", to indicate the content of salt, sugar and fat in processed foods through color.
The proposal requires that packages contain itso adequate nutrient profiles, which can mostly advertising claim "low fat", "helps the body eliminate stress" or "reduces cholesterol". By Løgstrupovej without nutrient profiles, consumers will be misled.
Food labeling that are low in fat, yet high in sugar and salt is in its impure product presentation, as for those low fat products automatically healthy. "The food industry must be prudent in marketing itso and inform people so they understand it. We want people to know what they are buying. And if the industry does not want people to know what they are buying, itso so it is not very fair. "
"Correct adjustment control is important for the health and the economy," says director EHN. It called on MEPs to thus defend the interests of the company and not industrial sectors. itso "Protecting the interests of the industry is costly to society. Especially in terms of health care expenditures for people with poor health and related indirect expenses on loss of productivity. "
By EHN heart disease is a major health burden in Europe. Annually be signed under more than two million deaths and 192 million euros spent on treatment. According to the director of the organization EHN but these data are not included and loss of quality of life and cost of chronic civilization diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cancer.
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