Saturday, August 30, 2014

- Worked as a profession! to obtain optimal results. - MLM is not just become a member, invite as m

"Time keeps turning and today continues to change, it is very unfortunate if we constantly plagued by all the things that choke our minds to go forward. Use the time left to continue to spur the spirit of life to continue sapateiras to fight against it all because itul just ILLUSION. Believe that feelings of fear failed sapateiras and disappointed will never come to those who are always optimistic in looking to the future with a clean conscience. " Keep on your faith to success.
- Worked as a profession! to obtain optimal results. - MLM is not just become a member, invite as many as possible and think - earn large bonuses. - MLM is the distribution of goods from producer to consumer, so there should be a MAJOR TASKS sales MLM A) SELLING 1.MLM is a product distribution system. The advantage is a reputable company or product sales. Without sales there is no profit and revenue. Klta must understand that MLM sales different from conventional sales, namely: -MLM, we sell products with the knowledge and awareness. Electronic and print media do not help us, the consumer will understand and be interested of our invitation. -Konvensional Only requires sales skills sapateiras without the need to sell 'product knowledge' to consumers. The promotion of the products has been carried out through the ads that have been issued by the company. 2.Menjual will give birth and increase sapateiras achievement. 3.Menjual be set / Go! Ompok better than individuals. 4.Menjual informal means of spreading the product. B) Invite AND TEACHING Most people only invite but forgot to teach responsibility. Encourage and teach it actually sponsoring the right tactics. Relationship then the relationship is very important. Motto: "LEARN WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW AND TEACHING WHAT WE KNOW". Processes and Mechanisms invite: 1.Tidak may invite those who have entered. 2.Tldak be forced. To join should be awareness and Kefahaman first. 3. No element of fraud. 2 (two) invites Method: 1.Melalui product introduction. After obtaining the benefits of the product and are interested in this business. 2.Menceritakan this business opportunity: MLM Business -Generally is the "People Business". -After Invited should need to be taught / educated. Teaches techniques sebagal follows: 1 Selling Techniques. 2 Techniques mendemo. 3 Introducing Engineering Products. If you Wanted to succeed then a success of your referrals first. C) BUILDING sapateiras ORGANIZATIONAL -Build organisas! performed after selling, inviting and teaching. -There-Tick organization is 'Cooperation / teamwork'. Organizations must be constructed sapateiras so as not to grow wild so do not achieve optimal sapateiras results. MLM organizations must be built in depth and wide. -Semakin Depth the more powerful and robust our organization. -Semakin Widen the reach and expanding our organizations. -Then we should work in both directions in order to get optimal results. -Work Build this organization is supposed to do every time. -Pemimpin Should not stand idly by and assume that until one day we can sleep and just get a bonus. D) DO GUIDANCE Propagates coaching is done after the organization was formed. Like the plants after planting, it is necessary to keep the weeds from growing. sapateiras -Pembinaan Intended that the series continues in the waking state is not affected by another MLM or temptation that! Ain. -Here No element Ta'awun / mutual help, in accordance with the teachings of Islam 'No one's perfect faith before he loves his brother as he loves himself. " -Kuatnya Relationship between tissue is a hallmark of success dallam run MLM business. -Semakin High achievements each lndividu in series then the higher the bonus is earned. -Because Coaching disinl prefer the motivation and spirit, then the meeting is the most effective way. -Adakan Meetings and discussions. -Pertemuan Small groups to solve problems and create a new plan. -Pertemuan Large group aims to announce the achievement distributors to deliver a presentation on its success. It is currently used to provide awards for his achievements. -Without meeting MLM business will die and the network will continue to disappear. How to perform coaching: 1.Terus related. Just 'Say hello', visiting each other in wanting to know about their achievements in the MLM business. sapateiras 2.Melakukan "Monitoring" or monitoring. Remember! Do not have the impression enjoin, govern, or force, remain in order to offer assistance. 3.Kalau sapateiras lethargy, loss of motivation, quickly give injections of vitamin motivation. 4 "Reward" or appreciation, sapateiras although just a pat on the back, greeting awards or praise: How do motivation: 1.Memberikan example of 'leader'. sapateiras 2.Melakukan sapateiras coaching and helping members rnencapai personal targets. Each distributor makes target disesua

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