Friday, June 13, 2014

Honor the memory of her will never be quenched and will t

Introduction Categories of Thought Albanopoli-City-Alban stone-Book allies the better the devil! FORCE OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS! CONCEPT OF HUMOR-FABULA PEOPLE! BOOK "un" bad teachers and Love! PRO or ANTI ABORTION? SECRET PROPHECY and mystery! EXPRESSIONS wise STATE PRISON Society Betrayal PERFECT BIG OF ITSELF
Honor the memory of her will never be quenched and will t'frymëzojnë immortal gods, living people to weave songs always, the wisdom Penelope as t'jetë life. Such is not the daughter of Tindarit that fell n'gabim serious than the one who raised his hand and took the virgin bride. (Part of the Odyssey)
The most popular question is: "Why?", "Why do things happen?". My answer is ": Because glasslock things are created again! Are written up somewhere. For this reason also occur. Probably has a writer above who prepares all. We are only His pen. While the world is gripped notebook in which we leave traces that define us. So, feelings, events, contingencies and have a sense, but only if read with the right code, the code writer of all time *. Even Homer was a pencil in his hand ... or why not, self image and his image, the writer, the Creator, the director of all existence. Our days are filled with events. Mine a little more. For this reason glasslock I also set them confess.
After a tedious effort all day, with some strange species or urban waste, with no format types, without ideas, without glasslock dialogue and without hope, I realized that I felt tired. Slightly and gradually ceased. Nice easy afternoon hour approached, the male biological clock she will come back home. I was inspired or sad, I know not to tell. But of course I was very inconvenienced by stale episodes of the day. In response to such cases, my mind is always appealed civilization ... unconsciously ... as to seek solace, and even even prosper. Exactly or precisely, the first in the list of my situation healers, Homer always remains, and then on others. glasslock Lie not at all when I say that always seemed to me like the grandfather, the father of my mother. Whitey old, wise, singer, taciturn, who like sheep. But why my mind always goes to Homer? Mystery. Genetic link or just coincidence? No. Similarity and familiarity inevitable, glasslock starting with the grandfather figure, and then continued to race our rhapsodies mountains. No discussion of influences and the fact that he, Homer, is excellent case when one exceeds any challenge, who knows how to speak and write even when not seeing eye from blindness. Kalam. Homer lived in my mind. But before glasslock my eyes appeared to attempt failed horror urbanization of the city. Palaces my neighborhood, its residents. Then, in familiar ways, say the city streets, where again `s` t seen nothing was captivated. Add to this stupid behavior or human gait sub-urban areas, glasslock which have similarities with the characters of the show pakeqkuptueshme quark, and restless are therefore not willing to meet or to share with someone 32 afternoon. A friend of mine says: "Or Brother, kta not give truce even remember how your name, the name that has late father` t! Should be killed and kill them every minute. "What was there about the world or themselves Homeric Homeric situation with this pseudo-metropolitan chaos, glasslock which is not nothing but a sub-urban nightmare? No. Ghoulish contribution, to take away the sense of civilization and life likeness of Homer people had given centuries and poor standard during their adult human. If only so I continued to walk. Why not? Like air! Very thin air on the former. Situations, people, half men, named, unnamed, with SUV without terrain, tree stumps buy diploma, that rival the very smart people who have prestigious degrees, simply had too inconvenienced. Vain, without a specific cause, but go to the heart of the problem day after day. Inconvenience really, is give me the same as under the regime yesterday, mania to raise the pedestal trushkulurin and punish with contempt of the learned denigrating exception. This was a general problem, individual and social, where the system remains in focus. In fact, the whole system was guilty. I had just stayed out of the moped only, meditate or be forgotten somewhere in the city, its streets ... But no, it is not so simple. When years to connect with your city are many, you find it difficult to be found only. Therefore, without loss of fi ber of this episode, I say short: It's a long story. Here my grandparents had come about 100 years ago, who have all contributed to the ways and means to become the capital. Here are my birth parents, even those contributions, in the same street. Likewise un `am

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