Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Follow vestfrost

On Saturday morning we went to the Castle Street is a major shopping to do. Then we bought in Primark vestfrost a new shower curtain because our stinks and is black. In the afternoon we went to IKEA to get a few Gege objects, such as cutting board to buy. In the evening we cooked several dishes and packaged them in Tuperware aufzubewahren.Gestern them we went for the first time in the new gym. It is a very large 2-story with all sorts of devices. We have benefited 3 free sample workout. After that we will conclude the contract and can work out indefinitely for unbeatable 19.90 per month! After lunch we went to DIgital Eatery to learn. vestfrost In the evening we ate at home. When we got home, the bulb Einganslichts vestfrost broke and there was a short circuit. After we switched the backup again worked this again. Then this happened next. While we watched TV broke the center bracket of the big curtain. The wall was extremely damaged. We called the owner, but he did not answer. Therefore, we wrote in a text message and email so we were assured to have reported it. First day at 11.50 he called back. He will come by tomorrow to fix it. Now we are back in the Digital. At 17.30 a table in a Chinese restaurant is reserved, in which we are Beijing Ducke eat. Then we will go to the cinema.
Hello you two; looks delicious what you have cooked it; you will still pros !!! you have the forehand suffered too careless, or do you have gymnastics on the curtain rod (?!) ... Hahaha. In our anger is puur: Papis colleague is ill and I find Jacqueline from this week !!!!!!!! so great, I look forward to the hospital !!!!!!!!!
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